Differentially expressed gene lists:

Click on the hyperlinks to see the results.
FileName Description
ANOVA ANOVA MODEL (all genes and samples, least squares), log2 fold change for all groups, genes with F-statistics > 90th percentile
miR.1vsControl.ls ANOVA MODEL (all genes and samples, least squares), miR.1vsControl contrast: miR.1 vs. miR.control, genes with -statistics > 90th percentile
miR.206vsControl.ls ANOVA MODEL (all genes and samples, least squares), miR.206vsControl contrast: miR.206 vs. miR.control, genes with -statistics > 90th percentile
miR.27bvsControl.ls ANOVA MODEL (all genes and samples, robust), miR.27bvsControl contrast: miR.27b vs miR.control, genes with B-statistics > 90th percentile
Analysis of functional annotation

Analysis of functional annotation:

Click on the hyperlinks to see the results.
FileName Description
FGFsource.html A description of the methods and Functional Gene Sets used to perform the Analysis of Functional Annotation
absGSE31620.miR.1vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: ABS
absGSE31620.miR.206vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: ABS
absGSE31620.miR.27bvsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: ABS
downGSE31620.miR.1vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: DOWN
downGSE31620.miR.206vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: DOWN
downGSE31620.miR.27bvsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: DOWN
upGSE31620.miR.1vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: UP
upGSE31620.miR.206vsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: UP
upGSE31620.miR.27bvsControl.ls Analysis of Functional Annotation for differentially expressed genes: UP

Diagnostics and results figures:

Click on the hyperlinks to see the results.
FileName Description
boxPaffy Boxplot for Log2 expression after RMA normalization
MAplots MAplots for each array, raw data
rmaMAplots MAplots for each array, after RMA normalization
ima2Daffy 2D-image plot, after RMA normalization
degRNAaffy RNA degredation plot
corrHeatmap Samples pair-wise correlation heatmap, raw data
rmaCorrHeatmap Samples pair-wise correlation heatmap, RMA normalized data
qqPlots QQ-plot for each contrast
contrasts.BvsM Volcano plots for each performed comparison
contrasts.MAplot MAplots for each performed comparison