
Click on the heading for any column to sort by that column.
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AFA results for: tVPAda2PC3

Click on the heading for any column to sort by that column.

Gene Set Collection: KEGG

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
KEGG 04514 View Gene Set 2.747e-06 135 0.0005878 1 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
KEGG 04142 View Gene Set 6.014e-05 121 0.006435 2 Lysosome
KEGG 04512 View Gene Set 0.0004079 84 0.02909 3 ECM-receptor interaction

Gene Set Collection: GO

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
GO GO:0016020 View Gene Set 5.962e-26 7286 7.965e-22 1 membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044425 View Gene Set 1.294e-22 6145 8.645e-19 2 membrane part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031224 View Gene Set 4.625e-17 5387 2.06e-13 3 intrinsic to membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0016021 View Gene Set 2.84e-16 5278 9.486e-13 4 integral to membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005886 View Gene Set 2.25e-14 3759 6.013e-11 5 plasma membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044459 View Gene Set 7.254e-12 2023 1.615e-08 6 plasma membrane part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0023052 View Gene Set 4.721e-10 3571 9.01e-07 7 signaling amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005509 View Gene Set 9.482e-10 626 1.583e-06 8 calcium ion binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005794 View Gene Set 1.952e-09 893 2.608e-06 9 Golgi apparatus amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044431 View Gene Set 1.894e-09 540 2.608e-06 9 Golgi apparatus part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005576 View Gene Set 4.178e-09 2036 5.074e-06 11 extracellular region amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0006928 View Gene Set 5.531e-08 653 6.158e-05 12 cellular component movement amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0008092 View Gene Set 6.419e-08 512 6.597e-05 13 cytoskeletal protein binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044421 View Gene Set 1.648e-07 1001 0.0001572 14 extracellular region part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0023046 View Gene Set 1.885e-07 2577 0.0001678 15 signaling process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0022610 View Gene Set 2.578e-07 828 0.0002072 16 biological adhesion amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0023060 View Gene Set 2.637e-07 2571 0.0002072 16 signal transmission amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007155 View Gene Set 3.46e-07 827 0.0002568 18 cell adhesion amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0000139 View Gene Set 4.138e-07 450 0.000291 19 Golgi membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0008289 View Gene Set 4.876e-07 424 0.0003257 20 lipid binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005768 View Gene Set 5.423e-07 387 0.000345 21 endosome amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005773 View Gene Set 5.773e-07 286 0.0003506 22 vacuole amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0040011 View Gene Set 7.303e-07 617 0.0004242 23 locomotion amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005783 View Gene Set 1.058e-06 1024 0.0005888 24 endoplasmic reticulum amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030054 View Gene Set 1.354e-06 539 0.0007235 25 cell junction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042995 View Gene Set 1.736e-06 766 0.0008922 26 cell projection amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007165 View Gene Set 1.964e-06 2232 0.0009371 27 signal transduction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031226 View Gene Set 1.919e-06 1208 0.0009371 27 intrinsic to plasma membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0023033 View Gene Set 2.123e-06 2547 0.0009779 29 signaling pathway amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007154 View Gene Set 2.66e-06 1687 0.001185 30 cell communication amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044057 View Gene Set 3.094e-06 315 0.001292 31 regulation of system process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005615 View Gene Set 3.008e-06 752 0.001292 31 extracellular space amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030154 View Gene Set 3.322e-06 1834 0.001321 33 cell differentiation amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0048869 View Gene Set 3.361e-06 1883 0.001321 33 cellular developmental process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005887 View Gene Set 4.348e-06 1186 0.00166 35 integral to plasma membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0003779 View Gene Set 4.899e-06 329 0.001818 36 actin binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0012505 View Gene Set 5.301e-06 1454 0.001914 37 endomembrane system amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005774 View Gene Set 5.531e-06 131 0.001945 38 vacuolar membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007166 View Gene Set 5.925e-06 1497 0.00203 39 cell surface receptor linked signaling pathway amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0048856 View Gene Set 6.235e-06 2763 0.002082 40 anatomical structure development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0032501 View Gene Set 7.923e-06 4631 0.002582 41 multicellular organismal process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005102 View Gene Set 8.996e-06 928 0.002862 42 receptor binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0016337 View Gene Set 1.021e-05 318 0.003172 43 cell-cell adhesion amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044437 View Gene Set 1.135e-05 138 0.003446 44 vacuolar part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0019898 View Gene Set 1.165e-05 93 0.00346 45 extrinsic to membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0032879 View Gene Set 1.346e-05 741 0.00377 46 regulation of localization amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0000323 View Gene Set 1.355e-05 239 0.00377 46 lytic vacuole amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005764 View Gene Set 1.355e-05 239 0.00377 46 lysosome amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0006955 View Gene Set 2.036e-05 732 0.005338 49 immune response amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0010646 View Gene Set 1.995e-05 1173 0.005338 49 regulation of cell communication amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042221 View Gene Set 2.038e-05 1516 0.005338 49 response to chemical stimulus amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005912 View Gene Set 2.488e-05 146 0.006391 52 adherens junction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0051049 View Gene Set 2.862e-05 525 0.00699 53 regulation of transport amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042612 View Gene Set 2.774e-05 22 0.00699 53 MHC class I protein complex amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044432 View Gene Set 2.878e-05 689 0.00699 53 endoplasmic reticulum part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007399 View Gene Set 3.533e-05 1174 0.008377 56 nervous system development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0016477 View Gene Set 3.574e-05 462 0.008377 56 cell migration amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0032502 View Gene Set 3.652e-05 3351 0.008412 58 developmental process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0051050 View Gene Set 3.783e-05 280 0.008552 59 positive regulation of transport amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0043005 View Gene Set 3.841e-05 371 0.008552 59 neuron projection amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0048731 View Gene Set 3.989e-05 2544 0.008734 61 system development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0015629 View Gene Set 4.177e-05 281 0.008734 61 actin cytoskeleton amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030136 View Gene Set 4.184e-05 147 0.008734 61 clathrin-coated vesicle amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005543 View Gene Set 4.141e-05 192 0.008734 61 phospholipid binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007275 View Gene Set 4.347e-05 3067 0.008934 65 multicellular organismal development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0010008 View Gene Set 4.555e-05 210 0.009084 66 endosome membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0044440 View Gene Set 4.555e-05 210 0.009084 66 endosomal part amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030029 View Gene Set 6.024e-05 301 0.01166 68 actin filament-based process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0009986 View Gene Set 6.018e-05 350 0.01166 68 cell surface amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031090 View Gene Set 6.204e-05 1905 0.01184 70 organelle membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0002376 View Gene Set 6.694e-05 1101 0.01242 71 immune system process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031410 View Gene Set 6.613e-05 688 0.01242 71 cytoplasmic vesicle amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0048870 View Gene Set 7.01e-05 495 0.01266 73 cell motility amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0051674 View Gene Set 7.01e-05 495 0.01266 73 localization of cell amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030424 View Gene Set 7.565e-05 178 0.01323 75 axon amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0070161 View Gene Set 7.588e-05 163 0.01323 75 anchoring junction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0008009 View Gene Set 7.625e-05 47 0.01323 75 chemokine activity amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005789 View Gene Set 7.873e-05 622 0.01348 78 endoplasmic reticulum membrane amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007267 View Gene Set 8.298e-05 720 0.01403 79 cell-cell signaling amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0001775 View Gene Set 0.0001034 389 0.01706 80 cell activation amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005125 View Gene Set 0.0001026 201 0.01706 80 cytokine activity amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031982 View Gene Set 0.0001126 718 0.01835 82 vesicle amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030030 View Gene Set 0.0001189 458 0.01892 83 cell projection organization amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0016023 View Gene Set 0.0001176 651 0.01892 83 cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042175 View Gene Set 0.0001212 637 0.01905 85 nuclear membrane-endoplasmic reticulum network amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0071212 View Gene Set 0.0001258 723 0.01955 86 subsynaptic reticulum amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0022407 View Gene Set 0.0001311 30 0.0199 87 regulation of cell-cell adhesion amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042379 View Gene Set 0.0001306 52 0.0199 87 chemokine receptor binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0045202 View Gene Set 0.0001455 371 0.02184 89 synapse amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005267 View Gene Set 0.0001484 130 0.02203 90 potassium channel activity amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0042733 View Gene Set 0.0001674 34 0.02451 91 embryonic digit morphogenesis amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0043122 View Gene Set 0.0001688 130 0.02451 91 regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031175 View Gene Set 0.0001812 322 0.02602 93 neuron projection development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0035091 View Gene Set 0.0001845 115 0.02622 94 phosphoinositide binding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0035556 View Gene Set 0.0002157 1205 0.03011 95 intracellular signal transduction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0050867 View Gene Set 0.0002163 121 0.03011 95 positive regulation of cell activation amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0009611 View Gene Set 0.000225 621 0.03068 97 response to wounding amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030036 View Gene Set 0.0002247 284 0.03068 97 actin cytoskeleton organization amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0005911 View Gene Set 0.0002287 200 0.03087 99 cell-cell junction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031988 View Gene Set 0.0002336 670 0.03122 100 membrane-bounded vesicle amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0007610 View Gene Set 0.0002407 492 0.03174 101 behavior amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0031012 View Gene Set 0.0002423 371 0.03174 101 extracellular matrix amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0043123 View Gene Set 0.0002683 118 0.0348 103 positive regulation of I-kappaB kinase/NF-kappaB cascade amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0003012 View Gene Set 0.0002853 221 0.03665 104 muscle system process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0019835 View Gene Set 0.0002918 23 0.0371 105 cytolysis amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0043062 View Gene Set 0.0002943 174 0.0371 105 extracellular structure organization amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0006936 View Gene Set 0.0003026 206 0.03779 107 muscle contraction amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0051239 View Gene Set 0.0003084 1088 0.03815 108 regulation of multicellular organismal process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0006040 View Gene Set 0.0003267 26 0.04005 109 amino sugar metabolic process amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030900 View Gene Set 0.0003489 174 0.04237 110 forebrain development amigo.geneontol...
GO GO:0030135 View Gene Set 0.0004004 179 0.04819 111 coated vesicle amigo.geneontol...

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c1.CYTOBAND

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad chrxq22 View Gene Set 7.245e-07 102 0.0002362 1 Genes in cytogenetic band chrxq22
Broad chrxq21 View Gene Set 3.116e-06 58 0.0005079 2 Genes in cytogenetic band chrxq21
Broad chr1q24 View Gene Set 0.0002965 47 0.03222 3 Genes in cytogenetic band chr1q24
Broad chr6q24 View Gene Set 0.0005683 53 0.0358 4 Genes in cytogenetic band chr6q24
Broad chrxq24 View Gene Set 0.0005129 44 0.0358 4 Genes in cytogenetic band chrxq24
Broad chr2p14 View Gene Set 0.000659 34 0.0358 4 Genes in cytogenetic band chr2p14
Broad chr13q22 View Gene Set 0.001079 19 0.04397 7 Genes in cytogenetic band chr13q22
Broad chr8q13 View Gene Set 0.0009841 43 0.04397 7 Genes in cytogenetic band chr8q13

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c2.CGP

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad NUYTTEN_EZH2_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 5.923e-29 944 1.417e-25 1 Genes up-regulated in PC3 cells (prostate cancer) after knockdown of EZH2 [Gene ID=2146] by RNAi.
Broad KRIGE_RESPONSE_TO_TOSEDOSTAT_24HR_UP View Gene Set 2.197e-25 716 2.627e-22 2 Genes up-regulated in HL-60 cells (acute promyelocytic leukemia APL) after treatment with the aminopeptidase inhibitor tosedostat (CHR-2797) [PubChem=15547703] for 24 h.
Broad CREIGHTON_ENDOCRINE_THERAPY_RESISTANCE_3 View Gene Set 1.928e-23 681 1.537e-20 3 The 'group 3 set' of genes associated with acquired endocrine therapy resistance in breast tumors expressing ESR1 and ERBB2 [Gene ID=2099 2064].
Broad COLDREN_GEFITINIB_RESISTANCE_DN View Gene Set 8.871e-23 217 5.305e-20 4 Genes down-regulated in NSCLC (non-small cell lung carcinoma) cell lines resistant to gefitinib [PubChem=123631] compared to the sensitive ones.
Broad ONDER_CDH1_TARGETS_2_DN View Gene Set 8.405e-22 453 3.351e-19 5 Genes down-regulated in HMLE cells (immortalized nontransformed mammary epithelium) after E-cadhedrin (CDH1) [Gene ID=999] knockdown by RNAi.
Broad REN_ALVEOLAR_RHABDOMYOSARCOMA_DN View Gene Set 7.842e-22 402 3.351e-19 5 Genes commonly down-regulated in human alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) and its mouse model overexpressing PAX3-FOXO1 [Gene ID=5077 2308] fusion.
Broad CREIGHTON_ENDOCRINE_THERAPY_RESISTANCE_5 View Gene Set 4.306e-21 446 1.471e-18 7 The 'group 5 set' of genes associated with acquired endocrine therapy resistance in breast tumors expressing ESR1 but not ERBB2 [Gene ID=2099 2064].
Broad DODD_NASOPHARYNGEAL_CARCINOMA_UP View Gene Set 5.437e-17 1582 1.626e-14 8 Genes up-regulated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) compared to the normal tissue.
Broad GOZGIT_ESR1_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 7.285e-17 710 1.936e-14 9 Genes down-regulated in TMX2-28 cells (breast cancer) which do not express ESR1 [Gene ID=2099]) compared to the parental MCF7 cells which do.
Broad NUYTTEN_NIPP1_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 1.211e-14 657 2.896e-12 10 Genes up-regulated in PC3 cells (prostate cancer) after knockdown of NIPP1 [Gene ID=5511] by RNAi.
Broad CHARAFE_BREAST_CANCER_LUMINAL_VS_BASAL_DN View Gene Set 1.649e-14 437 3.585e-12 11 Genes down-regulated in luminal-like breast cancer cell lines compared to the basal-like ones.
Broad MONNIER_POSTRADIATION_TUMOR_ESCAPE_DN View Gene Set 7.264e-13 317 1.448e-10 12 The postradiation tumor escape signature: genes down-regulated in tumors from irradiated stroma vs those from non-irradiated stroma.
Broad HORIUCHI_WTAP_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 3.914e-12 284 7.201e-10 13 Genes up-regulated in primary endothelial cells (HUVEC) after knockdown of WTAP [Gene ID=9589] by RNAi.
Broad MASSARWEH_TAMOXIFEN_RESISTANCE_UP View Gene Set 5.874e-12 531 1.004e-09 14 Genes up-regulated in breast cancer tumors (formed by MCF-7 xenografts) resistant to tamoxifen [PubChem=5376].
Broad SMID_BREAST_CANCER_BASAL_DN View Gene Set 2.132e-11 664 3.4e-09 15 Genes down-regulated in basal subtype of breast cancer samles.
Broad WU_CELL_MIGRATION View Gene Set 3.857e-11 182 5.765e-09 16 Genes associated with migration rate of 40 human bladder cancer cells.
Broad BILD_HRAS_ONCOGENIC_SIGNATURE View Gene Set 7.442e-11 248 1.047e-08 17 Genes selected in supervised analyses to discriminate cells expressing activated HRAS [Gene ID=3265] oncogene from control cells expressing GFP.
Broad SCHUETZ_BREAST_CANCER_DUCTAL_INVASIVE_UP View Gene Set 9.916e-11 339 1.318e-08 18 Genes up-regulated in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) relative to ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS non-invasive).
Broad DAVICIONI_TARGETS_OF_PAX_FOXO1_FUSIONS_UP View Gene Set 1.488e-10 247 1.873e-08 19 Genes up-regulated in RD cells (embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma ERMS) by expression of PAX3- or PAX7-FOXO1 [Gene ID=5077 5081 2308] fusions off retroviral vectors.
Broad DEURIG_T_CELL_PROLYMPHOCYTIC_LEUKEMIA_DN View Gene Set 2.331e-10 303 2.587e-08 20 Genes down-regulated in T-PLL cells (T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia) bearing the inv(14)/t(14:14) chromosomal aberration.
Broad BERENJENO_TRANSFORMED_BY_RHOA_DN View Gene Set 2.379e-10 353 2.587e-08 20 Genes down-regulated in NIH3T3 cells (fibroblasts) transformed by expression of contitutively active (Q63L) form of RHOA [Gene ID=387] off plasmid vector.
Broad SCHLOSSER_SERUM_RESPONSE_DN View Gene Set 2.3e-10 666 2.587e-08 20 Cluster 4: genes down-regulated in B493-6 cells (B lymphocytes) upon serum stimulation but not affected by MYC [Gene ID=4609].
Broad TONKS_TARGETS_OF_RUNX1_RUNX1T1_FUSION_HSC_UP View Gene Set 2.646e-10 182 2.752e-08 23 Genes up-regulated in normal hematopoietic progenitors by RUNX1-RUNX1T1 [Gene ID=861 862] fusion.
Broad LINDGREN_BLADDER_CANCER_CLUSTER_2B View Gene Set 3.474e-10 384 3.463e-08 24 Genes specifically up-regulated in Cluster IIb of urothelial cell carcinom (UCC) tumors.
Broad ENK_UV_RESPONSE_EPIDERMIS_DN View Gene Set 6.993e-10 504 6.691e-08 25 Genes down-regulated in epidermis after to UVB irradiation.
Broad HAN_SATB1_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 1.085e-09 320 9.984e-08 26 Genes down-regulated in MDA-MB-231 cells (breast cancer) after knockdown of SATB1 [Gene ID=6304] by RNAi.
Broad ZHANG_RESPONSE_TO_IKK_INHIBITOR_AND_TNF_UP View Gene Set 1.559e-09 208 1.331e-07 27 Genes up-regulated in BxPC3 cells (pancreatic cancer) after treatment with TNF [Gene ID=7124] or IKI-1 an inhibitor of I?B kinase (IKK).
Broad LI_WILMS_TUMOR_VS_FETAL_KIDNEY_1_UP View Gene Set 1.538e-09 178 1.331e-07 27 Genes up-regulated in Wilm's tumor samples compared to fetal kidney.
Broad RIGGINS_TAMOXIFEN_RESISTANCE_DN View Gene Set 1.949e-09 211 1.607e-07 29 Genes down-regulated SUM44/LCCTam cells (breast cancer) resistant to 4-hydroxytamoxifen [PubChem=63062] relative to the parental SUM44 cells sensitive to the drug.
Broad MISSIAGLIA_REGULATED_BY_METHYLATION_UP View Gene Set 2.931e-09 99 2.337e-07 30 Genes up-regulated in PaCa44 and CFPAC1 cells (pancreatic cancer) after treatment with decitabine [PubChem=451668] a DNA hypomethylating agent similar to azacitidine [PubChem=9444].
Broad RICKMAN_TUMOR_DIFFERENTIATED_WELL_VS_POORLY_DN View Gene Set 3.137e-09 361 2.421e-07 31 Down-regulated genes that vary between HNSCC (head and neck squamous cell carcinoma) groups formed on the basis of their level of pathological differentiation: well vs poorly differentiated tumors.
Broad LANDIS_ERBB2_BREAST_TUMORS_324_UP View Gene Set 6.464e-09 132 4.832e-07 32 The 324 genes identified by two analytical methods as changed in the mammary tumors induced by transgenic expression of ERBB2 [Gene ID=2064].
Broad DELYS_THYROID_CANCER_UP View Gene Set 8.244e-09 397 5.812e-07 33 Genes up-regulated in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) compared to normal tissue.
Broad PODAR_RESPONSE_TO_ADAPHOSTIN_UP View Gene Set 8.262e-09 140 5.812e-07 33 Up-regulated genes in MM1.S cells (multiple myeloma) treated with adaphostin [PubChem=387042] a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with anticancer properties.
Broad BLALOCK_ALZHEIMERS_DISEASE_DN View Gene Set 1.105e-08 1209 7.552e-07 35 Genes down-regulated in brain from patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Broad LU_AGING_BRAIN_DN View Gene Set 1.195e-08 255 7.94e-07 36 Genes down-regulated in postmortem brain frontal cortex samples from old subjects compared to those from the young ones.
Broad CHARAFE_BREAST_CANCER_LUMINAL_VS_MESENCHYMAL_UP View Gene Set 1.266e-08 422 8.185e-07 37 Genes up-regulated in luminal-like breast cancer cell lines compared to the mesenchymal-like ones.
Broad LAIHO_COLORECTAL_CANCER_SERRATED_UP View Gene Set 1.312e-08 108 8.26e-07 38 Genes up-regulated in serrated vs conventional colorectal carcinoma (CRC) samples.
Broad ONDER_CDH1_TARGETS_3_DN View Gene Set 1.367e-08 52 8.384e-07 39 Genes down-regulated in HMLE cells (immortalized nontransformed mammary epithelial) cells after loss of function of E-cadhedrin (CDH1) [Gene ID=999] which was achieved either by RNAi knockdown or by expression of a dominan-negative form of CDH1.
Broad VECCHI_GASTRIC_CANCER_EARLY_DN View Gene Set 1.507e-08 346 9.012e-07 40 Down-regulated genes distinguishing between early gastric cancer (EGC) and normal tissue samples.
Broad CERVERA_SDHB_TARGETS_1_UP View Gene Set 1.838e-08 110 1.072e-06 41 Genes turned on in Hep3B cells (hepatocellular carcinoma HCC) upon knockdown of SDHB [Gene ID=6390] by RNAi.
Broad HELLER_HDAC_TARGETS_SILENCED_BY_METHYLATION_UP View Gene Set 2.224e-08 399 1.267e-06 42 Genes up-regulated in multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines treated with both decitabine [PubChem=451668] TSA [PubChem=5562].
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_8D_DN View Gene Set 2.509e-08 192 1.396e-06 43 Genes down-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 8 days after transduction.
Broad GRAHAM_CML_DIVIDING_VS_NORMAL_QUIESCENT_DN View Gene Set 2.986e-08 93 1.623e-06 44 Genes down-regulated in quiescent CD34+ [Gene ID=8842] cells isolated from peripheral blood of normal donors compared to the dividing cells from CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) patients.
Broad AMIT_SERUM_RESPONSE_60_MCF10A View Gene Set 3.239e-08 56 1.722e-06 45 Genes whose expression peaked at 60 min after stimulation of MCF10A cells with serum.
Broad WANG_SMARCE1_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 4.004e-08 158 2.082e-06 46 Genes up-regulated in BT549 cells (breast cancer) by expression of SMARCE1 [Gene ID=6605] off a retroviral vector.
Broad SMID_BREAST_CANCER_LUMINAL_B_DN View Gene Set 4.34e-08 549 2.209e-06 47 Genes down-regulated in the luminal B subtype of breast cancer.
Broad CHARAFE_BREAST_CANCER_LUMINAL_VS_MESENCHYMAL_DN View Gene Set 4.695e-08 444 2.34e-06 48 Genes down-regulated in luminal-like breast cancer cell lines compared to the mesenchymal-like ones.
Broad BOYLAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_C_D_DN View Gene Set 4.852e-08 232 2.369e-06 49 Genes down-regulated both in group C and D of tumors arising from overexpression of BCL2L1 and MYC [Gene ID=598 4609] in plasma cells.
Broad LINDGREN_BLADDER_CANCER_CLUSTER_2A_DN View Gene Set 5.2e-08 135 2.462e-06 50 Genes whose expression profile is specific to Cluster IIa of urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) tumors.
Broad RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_HGF_VS_CSF2RB_AND_IL4_UP View Gene Set 5.25e-08 394 2.462e-06 50 Genes up-regulated in peripheral blood mononucleocytes by HGF [Gene ID=3082] compared to those regulated by CSF2RB (GM-CSF) [Gene ID=1437] and IL4 [Gene ID=3565].
Broad BASAKI_YBX1_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 5.698e-08 356 2.621e-06 52 Genes down-regulated in SKOC-3 cells (ovarian cancer) after YB-1 (YBX1) [Gene ID=4904] knockdown by RNAi.
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_10D_DN View Gene Set 6.517e-08 138 2.941e-06 53 Genes down-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 10 days after transduction.
Broad YAO_TEMPORAL_RESPONSE_TO_PROGESTERONE_CLUSTER_0 View Gene Set 8.735e-08 69 3.869e-06 54 Genes co-regulated in uterus during a time course response to progesterone [PubChem=5994]: SOM cluster 0.
Broad JAEGER_METASTASIS_DN View Gene Set 9.237e-08 252 4.017e-06 55 Genes down-regulated in metastases from malignant melanoma compared to the primary tumors.
Broad RODRIGUES_THYROID_CARCINOMA_ANAPLASTIC_DN View Gene Set 1.025e-07 485 4.38e-06 56 Genes down-regulated in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) compared to normal thyroid tissue.
Broad RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_HGF_UP View Gene Set 1.208e-07 409 5.068e-06 57 Genes up-regulated in peripheral blood monocytes by HGF [Gene ID=3082].
Broad LIU_PROSTATE_CANCER_DN View Gene Set 1.476e-07 446 6.088e-06 58 Genes down-regulated in prostate cancer samples.
Broad GAJATE_RESPONSE_TO_TRABECTEDIN_UP View Gene Set 2.052e-07 53 8.319e-06 59 Genes up-regulated in HeLa cells (cervical carcinoma) by trabectedin [PubChem=3199].
Broad RUIZ_TNC_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 2.399e-07 145 9.564e-06 60 Genes up-regulated in T98G cells (glioblastoma) by TNC [Gene ID=3371].
Broad AMIT_SERUM_RESPONSE_240_MCF10A View Gene Set 2.545e-07 57 9.98e-06 61 Genes whose expression peaked at 240 min after stimulation of MCF10A cells with serum.
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_10D_UP View Gene Set 2.792e-07 186 1.063e-05 62 Genes up-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 10 days after transduction.
Broad CAIRO_HEPATOBLASTOMA_CLASSES_DN View Gene Set 2.8e-07 205 1.063e-05 62 Genes down-regulated in robust Cluster 2 (rC2) of hepatoblastoma samples compared to those in the robust Cluster 1 (rC1).
Broad ONDER_CDH1_TARGETS_2_UP View Gene Set 5.395e-07 249 2.016e-05 64 Genes up-regulated in HMLE cells (immortalized nontransformed mammary epithelium) after E-cadhedrin (CDH1) [Gene ID=999] knockdown by RNAi.
Broad HAHTOLA_MYCOSIS_FUNGOIDES_CD4_UP View Gene Set 5.746e-07 64 2.109e-05 65 Genes up-regulated in T helper cells (defines as CD4+) isolated from patients with mucosis fungoides compared to those from normal control donors.
Broad LIEN_BREAST_CARCINOMA_METAPLASTIC_VS_DUCTAL_DN View Gene Set 5.819e-07 104 2.109e-05 65 Genes down-regulated between two breast carcinoma subtypes: metaplastic (MCB) and ductal (DCB).
Broad BENPORATH_SUZ12_TARGETS View Gene Set 6.399e-07 1011 2.285e-05 67 Set 'Suz12 targets': genes identified by ChIP on chip as targets of the Polycomb protein SUZ12 [Gene ID=23512] in human embryonic stem cells.
Broad ELVIDGE_HYPOXIA_BY_DMOG_UP View Gene Set 1.077e-06 125 3.787e-05 68 Genes up-regulated in MCF7 cells (breast cancer) treated with hypoxia mimetic DMOG [PubChem=3080614].
Broad DAZARD_UV_RESPONSE_CLUSTER_G24 View Gene Set 1.203e-06 18 4.171e-05 69 Cluster G24: genes induced in NHEK (normal keratinocyte) but not in SCC12B2 cells (squamous cell carcinoma) by UV-B radiation.
Broad FARMER_BREAST_CANCER_APOCRINE VS LUMINAL View Gene Set 1.236e-06 312 4.223e-05 70 Genes which best discriminate between two groups of breast cancer according to the status of ESR1 and AR [Gene ID=2099 367]: apocrine (ESR1- AR+) and luminal (ESR1+ AR+).
Broad DAVICIONI_MOLECULAR_ARMS_VS_ERMS_UP View Gene Set 1.298e-06 317 4.372e-05 71 Genes up-regulated in mARMS (molecular ARMS) compared to the mERMS (molecular ERMS) class of rhabdomyosarcoma tumors.
Broad RODRIGUES_THYROID_CARCINOMA_POORLY_DIFFERENTIATED_DN View Gene Set 1.791e-06 732 5.949e-05 72 Genes down-regulated in poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) compared to normal thyroid tissue.
Broad KINSEY_TARGETS_OF_EWSR1_FLII_FUSION_DN View Gene Set 1.931e-06 306 6.241e-05 73 Genes down-regulated in TC71 and EWS502 cells (Ewing's sarcoma) upon knockdown of the EWSR1-FLII fusion [Gene ID=2130 2314].
Broad HELLEBREKERS_SILENCED_DURING_TUMOR_ANGIOGENESIS View Gene Set 1.926e-06 56 6.241e-05 73 Genes down-regulated in tumor-conditioned vs quiescent endothelial cells and up-regulated upon treatment with decitabine and TSA [PubChem=451668 5562].
Broad HOOI_ST7_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 2.022e-06 108 6.448e-05 75 Genes down-regulated in PC-3 cells (prostate cancer) stably expressing ST7 [Gene ID=7982] off a plasmid vector.
Broad TURASHVILI_BREAST_LOBULAR_CARCINOMA_VS_LOBULAR_NORMAL_UP View Gene Set 2.162e-06 90 6.806e-05 76 Genes up-regulated in lobular carcinoma vs normal lobular breast cells.
Broad KIM_MYCN_AMPLIFICATION_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 2.37e-06 78 7.363e-05 77 Genes negatively correlated with amplifications of MYCN [Gene ID=4613] in the SCLC (small cell lung cancer) cell lines.
Broad THUM_SYSTOLIC_HEART_FAILURE_UP View Gene Set 2.964e-06 393 8.974e-05 78 Genes up-regulated in samples with systolic heart failure compared to normal hearts.
Broad DAZARD_UV_RESPONSE_CLUSTER_G2 View Gene Set 2.938e-06 21 8.974e-05 78 Cluster G2: genes increasingly up-regulated in NHEK cells (normal keratinocyte) and reaching maximum levels at 12 h and 24 h after UV-B irradiation.
Broad FLECHNER_BIOPSY_KIDNEY_TRANSPLANT_OK_VS_DONOR_UP View Gene Set 3.398e-06 532 0.0001016 80 Genes diffierentially expressed in kidney biopsies from patients with well functioning kidneys more than 1-year post transplant compared to the biopsies from normal living kidney donors.
Broad LANDIS_BREAST_CANCER_PROGRESSION_UP View Gene Set 3.534e-06 42 0.0001044 81 Genes up-regulated in preneoplastic mammary tissues and whose expression is maintained in tumors.
Broad CHEMNITZ_RESPONSE_TO_PROSTAGLANDIN_E2_DN View Gene Set 4.33e-06 343 0.0001263 82 Genes down-regulated in CD4+ [Gene ID=920] T lymphocytes after stimulation with prostaglandin E2 [PubChem=5280360].
Broad BUYTAERT_PHOTODYNAMIC_THERAPY_STRESS_UP View Gene Set 4.507e-06 783 0.0001299 83 Genes up-regulated in T24 (bladder cancer) cells in response to the photodynamic therapy (PDT) stress.
Broad RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_CSF2RB_AND_IL4_DN View Gene Set 5.375e-06 301 0.0001531 84 Genes down-regulated in peripheral blood monocytes by CSF2RB (GM-CSF) [Gene ID=1437] and IL4 [Gene ID=3565].
Broad ONDER_CDH1_SIGNALING_VIA_CTNNB1 View Gene Set 6.045e-06 81 0.0001701 85 Genes changed in HMLE cells (mmortalized nontransformed mammary epithelium) after RNAi knockdown of both CDH1 [Gene ID=999] and CTNNB1 [Gene ID=1499] compared to the knockdown of CDH1 alone.
Broad BASSO_HAIRY_CELL_LEUKEMIA_DN View Gene Set 6.17e-06 78 0.0001716 86 Genes down-regulated in hairy cell leukemia (HCL) compared with normal and other neoplastic B cell populations.
Broad RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_CSF2RB_AND_IL4_UP View Gene Set 6.333e-06 331 0.0001741 87 Genes up-regulated in peripheral blood monocytes by CSF2RB (GM-CSF) [Gene ID=1437] and IL4 [Gene ID=3565].
Broad CHARAFE_BREAST_CANCER_BASAL_VS_MESENCHYMAL_UP View Gene Set 6.648e-06 114 0.0001807 88 Genes up-regulated in basal-like breast cancer cell lines as compared to the mesenchymal-like ones.
Broad NAKAMURA_TUMOR_ZONE_PERIPHERAL_VS_CENTRAL_DN View Gene Set 6.826e-06 583 0.0001814 89 Down-regulated genes in peripheral zone of human pancreatic cancer growing in the pancreas of nude mice compared to that of the tumor from the central zone.
Broad JIANG_TIP30_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 6.821e-06 43 0.0001814 89 Up-regulated genes in HepG2 cells (liver cancer) overexpressing an oncogenic variant of tumor suppressor TIP30 [Gene ID=10553] compared to its wild type form.
Broad RAGHAVACHARI_PLATELET_SPECIFIC_GENES View Gene Set 7.008e-06 68 0.0001842 91 Genes in this set correspond to the most abuntant transcripts that are also specific to platelets.
Broad WELCSH_BRCA1_TARGETS_1_UP View Gene Set 7.576e-06 171 0.000197 92 Upregulated by induction of exogenous BRCA1 in EcR-293 cells
Broad RIGGI_EWING_SARCOMA_PROGENITOR_UP View Gene Set 8.717e-06 399 0.0002242 93 Genes up-regulated in mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) engineered to express EWS-FLI1 [Gene ID=2130 2321] fusion protein.
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_8D_UP View Gene Set 9.243e-06 153 0.0002325 94 Genes up-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 8 days after transduction.
Broad MCBRYAN_PUBERTAL_BREAST_4_5WK_UP View Gene Set 9.257e-06 243 0.0002325 94 Genes up-regulated during pubertal mammary gland development between week 4 and 5.
Broad SEITZ_NEOPLASTIC_TRANSFORMATION_BY_8P_DELETION_UP View Gene Set 9.377e-06 72 0.0002325 94 Genes up-regulated in CT60/4 cells (breast cancer reverted to normal by transfer of chromosome 8p region) vs parental MDA-MB-231 cells (deleted chromosome 8p).
Broad HAN_SATB1_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 9.43e-06 303 0.0002325 94 Genes up-regulated in MDA-MB-231 cells (breast cancer) after knockdown of SATB1 [Gene ID=6304] by RNAi.
Broad PRAMOONJAGO_SOX4_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 1.02e-05 49 0.000249 98 Genes up-regulated in ACC3 cells (adenoid cystic carcinoma) after knockdown of SOX4 [Gene ID=6659] by RNAi.
Broad MITSIADES_RESPONSE_TO_APLIDIN_UP View Gene Set 1.034e-05 413 0.0002497 99 Genes up-regulated in the MM1S cells (multiple myeloma) after treatment with aplidin [PubChem=44152164] a marine-derived compound with potential anti-cancer properties.
Broad FULCHER_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE_LECTIN_VS_LPS_DN View Gene Set 1.075e-05 431 0.0002569 100 Genes down-regulated in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) after stimulation with galecin-1 (lectin LGALS1) [Gene ID=3956] compared to that with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
Broad KRIGE_RESPONSE_TO_TOSEDOSTAT_6HR_UP View Gene Set 1.085e-05 869 0.0002569 100 Genes up-regulated in HL-60 cells (acute promyelocytic leukemia APL) after treatment with the aminopeptidase inhibitor tosedostat (CHR-2797) [PubChem=15547703] for 6 h.
Broad YANG_BREAST_CANCER_ESR1_BULK_UP View Gene Set 1.129e-05 17 0.0002648 102 Genes up-regulated in bulk samples from early primary breast tumors expressing ESR1 [Gene ID=2099] vs the ESR1 negative samples.
Broad ELVIDGE_HYPOXIA_UP View Gene Set 1.2e-05 163 0.000276 103 Genes up-regulated in MCF7 cells (breast cancer) under hypoxia conditions.
Broad KONDO_EZH2_TARGETS View Gene Set 1.19e-05 142 0.000276 103 Genes up-regulated in PC3 cells (prostate cancer) after EZH2 [Gene ID=2146] knockdown by RNAi.
Broad LEE_NEURAL_CREST_STEM_CELL_UP View Gene Set 1.289e-05 142 0.0002932 105 Genes up-regulated in the neural crest stem cells (NCS) defined as p75+/HNK1+ [Gene ID=4804 27087].
Broad NIKOLSKY_BREAST_CANCER_8Q12_Q22_AMPLICON View Gene Set 1.299e-05 128 0.0002932 105 Genes within amplicon 8q12-q22 identified in a copy number alterations study of 191 breast tumor samples.
Broad ZHAN_V1_LATE_DIFFERENTIATION_GENES_UP View Gene Set 1.427e-05 31 0.0003189 107 The v1LDG set: most variable late differentiation genes (LDG) with similar expression patterns in tonsil plasma cells (TPC) and multiple myeloma (MM) samples.
Broad LIN_SILENCED_BY_TUMOR_MICROENVIRONMENT View Gene Set 1.446e-05 100 0.0003204 108 Genes downregulated in MCF10A cells (breast cancer) co-cultured with cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF).
Broad IVANOVA_HEMATOPOIESIS_MATURE_CELL View Gene Set 1.587e-05 96 0.0003483 109 Genes in the expression cluster 'MBC Shared': up-regulated in mature blood cell populations from adult bone marrow and fetal liver.
Broad HALMOS_CEBPA_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 1.633e-05 42 0.000355 110 Genes up-regulated in H358 cells (lung cancer) by inducible expression of CEBPA [Gene ID=1050] off plasmid vector.
Broad MOHANKUMAR_TLX1_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 1.71e-05 158 0.0003652 111 Down-regulated in MCF7 cells (breast cancer) by TLX1 (HOX11) [Gene ID=3195].
Broad MANALO_HYPOXIA_UP View Gene Set 1.707e-05 197 0.0003652 111 Genes up-regulated in response to both hypoxia and overexpression of an active form of HIF1A [Gene ID=3091].
Broad HAMAI_APOPTOSIS_VIA_TRAIL_UP View Gene Set 2.052e-05 328 0.0004344 113 Genes up-regulated in T1 cells (primary melanoma sensitive to TRAIL [Gene ID=8743]) compared to G1 cells (metastatic melanoma resistant to TRAIL).
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_3D_UP View Gene Set 2.398e-05 174 0.0005011 114 Genes up-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 3 days after transduction.
Broad BECKER_TAMOXIFEN_RESISTANCE_DN View Gene Set 2.409e-05 48 0.0005011 114 Genes down-regulated in a breast cancer cell line resistant to tamoxifen [PubChem ID=5376] compared to the parental line sensitive to the drug.
Broad BENPORATH_ES_WITH_H3K27ME3 View Gene Set 2.587e-05 1094 0.0005334 116 Set 'H3K27 bound': genes posessing the trimethylated H3K27 (H3K27me3) mark in their promoters in human embryonic stem cells as identified by ChIP on chip.
Broad SATO_SILENCED_BY_METHYLATION_IN_PANCREATIC_CANCER_1 View Gene Set 2.625e-05 407 0.0005367 117 Genes up-regulated in the pancreatic cancer cell lines (AsPC1 Hs766T MiaPaCa2 Panc1) but not in the non-neoplastic cells (HPDE) by decitabine (5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine) [PubChem=451668].
Broad GU_PDEF_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 2.665e-05 68 0.0005402 118 Integrin VEGF Wnt and TGF-?? signaling pathway genes up-regulated in PC-3 cells (prostate cancer) after knockdown of PDEF [Gene ID=25803] by RNAi.
Broad BROWNE_HCMV_INFECTION_24HR_DN View Gene Set 2.688e-05 144 0.0005404 119 Genes down-regulated in primary fibroblast cell culture after infection with HCMV (AD169 strain) at 24 h time point that were not down-regulated at the previous time point 20 h.
Broad CORRE_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_UP View Gene Set 2.825e-05 67 0.000563 120 Genes up-regulated in multiple myeloma (MM) bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.
Broad DANG_REGULATED_BY_MYC_DN View Gene Set 2.962e-05 242 0.0005856 121 Genes down-regulated by MYC [Gene ID=4609] according to the MYC Target Gene Database.
Broad PEREZ_TP53_TARGETS View Gene Set 3.061e-05 1066 0.0006001 122 Genes up-regulated in the HMEC cells (primary mammary epithelium) upon expression of TP53 [Gene ID=7157] off adenoviral vector.
Broad LEE_LIVER_CANCER_E2F1_UP View Gene Set 3.221e-05 60 0.0006265 123 Genes up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) induced by overexpression of E2F1 [Gene ID=1869].
Broad FULCHER_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE_LECTIN_VS_LPS_UP View Gene Set 3.376e-05 539 0.0006512 124 Genes up-regulated in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) after stimulation with galecin-1 (lectin LGALS1) [Gene ID=3956] compared to that with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
Broad HOEBEKE_LYMPHOID_STEM_CELL_DN View Gene Set 3.569e-05 83 0.000683 125 Genes down-regulated in the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP defined as CD34+CD38-CD7+ [Gene ID=947 952 924]) compared to a multipotent cord blood cell (defined as CD34+CD38+CD7-).
Broad CROONQUIST_NRAS_SIGNALING_UP View Gene Set 4.01e-05 32 0.0007612 126 Genes up-regulated in ANBL-6 cell line (multiple myeloma MM) expressing a constantly active form of NRAS [Gene ID=4893] off a plasmid vector compared to those grown in the presence of IL6 [Gene ID=3569].
Broad TURASHVILI_BREAST_LOBULAR_CARCINOMA_VS_DUCTAL_NORMAL_DN View Gene Set 4.47e-05 90 0.0008418 127 Genes down-regulated in lobular carcinoma vs normal ductal breast cells.
Broad MARTINEZ_RESPONSE_TO_TRABECTEDIN_UP View Gene Set 4.673e-05 59 0.0008733 128 Genes up-regulated in at least 8 of 11 sarcoma cell lines by trabectedin [PubChem=3199].
Broad GEORGES_TARGETS_OF_MIR192_AND_MIR215 View Gene Set 4.92e-05 809 0.0009122 129 Genes down-regulated in HCT116 cells (colon cancer) by expression of MIR192 or MIR215 [Gene ID=406967 406997] at 24 h.
Broad MARKEY_RB1_ACUTE_LOF_UP View Gene Set 5.181e-05 202 0.0009533 130 Genes up-regulated in adult fibroblasts with inactivated RB1 [Gene ID=5925] by Cre-lox: acute loss of function (LOF) of RB1.
Broad ZHAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_PR_DN View Gene Set 5.266e-05 42 0.0009616 131 Top 50 down-regulated genes in cluster PR of multiple myeloma samples characterized by increased expression of proliferation and cell cycle genes.
Broad KIM_MYC_AMPLIFICATION_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 5.633e-05 64 0.001021 132 Genes negatively correlated with amplifications of MYC [Gene ID=4609] in SCLC (small cell lung cancer) cell lines.
Broad FOSTER_INFLAMMATORY_RESPONSE_LPS_DN View Gene Set 5.956e-05 369 0.001071 133 Genes down-regulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in non-tolerizeable (NT class) macrophages compared to the ???tolerizeable??? (T class) ones.
Broad KIM_LRRC3B_TARGETS View Gene Set 6.603e-05 30 0.00117 134 Immune response genes up-regulated in zenograft tumors formed by SNU-601 cells (gastric cancer) made to express LRRC3B [Gene ID=116135].
Broad ALONSO_METASTASIS_EMT_UP View Gene Set 6.57e-05 30 0.00117 134 EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) genes up-regulated genes in melanoma tumous that developed metastatic disease compared to primary melanoma that did not.
Broad HELLER_HDAC_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 6.755e-05 268 0.001186 136 Genes up-regulated in at least one of three multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines by TSA [PubChem=5562].
Broad ACEVEDO_LIVER_CANCER_UP View Gene Set 6.795e-05 915 0.001186 136 Genes up-regulated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared to normal liver samples.
Broad FLECHNER_BIOPSY_KIDNEY_TRANSPLANT_REJECTED_VS_OK_DN View Gene Set 7.217e-05 532 0.001245 138 Genes differentially expressed in kidney biopsies from patients with acute transplant rejection compared to the biopsies from patients with well functioning kidneys more than 1-year post transplant.
Broad WALLACE_PROSTATE_CANCER_RACE_UP View Gene Set 7.232e-05 288 0.001245 138 Genes up-regulated in prostate cancer samples from African-American patients compared to those from the European-American patients.
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_16D_UP View Gene Set 7.453e-05 168 0.001273 140 Genes up-regulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 16 days after transduction.
Broad YAO_TEMPORAL_RESPONSE_TO_PROGESTERONE_CLUSTER_15 View Gene Set 8.457e-05 32 0.001425 141 Genes co-regulated in uterus during a time course response to progesterone [PubChem=5994]: SOM cluster 15.
Broad ZHAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_MS_UP View Gene Set 8.447e-05 48 0.001425 141 Top 50 up-regulated genes in cluster MS of multiple myeloma samples with characteristic expression spike of WHSC1 [Gene ID=7468].
Broad SWEET_LUNG_CANCER_KRAS_DN View Gene Set 9.129e-05 397 0.001527 143 Genes down-regulated in the mouse lung cancer model with mutated KRAS [Gene ID=3845].
Broad GRAHAM_NORMAL_QUIESCENT_VS_NORMAL_DIVIDING_UP View Gene Set 9.559e-05 65 0.001577 144 Genes up-regulated in quiescent vs dividing CD34+ [Gene ID=8842] cells isolated from peripheral blood of normal donors.
Broad LANDIS_ERBB2_BREAST_TUMORS_324_DN View Gene Set 9.507e-05 137 0.001577 144 The 324 genes identified by two analytical methods as changed in the mammary tumors induced by transgenic expression of ERBB2 [Gene ID=2064].
Broad CREIGHTON_ENDOCRINE_THERAPY_RESISTANCE_2 View Gene Set 9.755e-05 377 0.001591 146 The 'group 2 set' of genes associated with acquired endocrine therapy resistance in breast tumors expressing ESR1 and ERBB2 [Gene ID=2099 2064].
Broad BRUECKNER_TARGETS_OF_MIRLET7A3_UP View Gene Set 9.775e-05 105 0.001591 146 Genes up-regulated in A549 cells (lung cancer) expressing MIRLET7A3 [Gene ID=406883] microRNA off a plasmid vector.
Broad WOO_LIVER_CANCER_RECURRENCE_UP View Gene Set 0.0001009 104 0.00163 148 Genes positively correlated with recurrence free survival in patients with hepatitis B-related (HBV) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Broad VECCHI_GASTRIC_CANCER_ADVANCED_VS_EARLY_UP View Gene Set 0.0001068 159 0.001715 149 Up-regulated genes distinguishing between two subtypes of gastric cancer: advanced (AGC) and early (EGC).
Broad BROWNE_INTERFERON_RESPONSIVE_GENES View Gene Set 0.0001125 67 0.001794 150 Genes up-regulated in primary fibroblast culture after treatment with interferon alpha for 6 h.
Broad SCHUETZ_BREAST_CANCER_DUCTAL_INVASIVE_DN View Gene Set 0.0001154 83 0.001828 151 Genes down-regulated in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) relative to ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS non-invasive).
Broad PICCALUGA_ANGIOIMMUNOBLASTIC_LYMPHOMA_UP View Gene Set 0.0001245 197 0.00196 152 Up-regulated genes in angioimmunoblastic lymphoma (AILT) compared to normal T lymphocytes.
Broad IGARASHI_ATF4_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 0.0001381 87 0.002145 153 Genes down-regulated in A549 cells (lung cancer) after knockdown of ATF4 [Gene ID=468] by RNAi.
Broad TONKS_TARGETS_OF_RUNX1_RUNX1T1_FUSION_SUSTAINDED_IN_ERYTHROCYTE_UP View Gene Set 0.0001381 43 0.002145 153 Genes up-regulated by RUNX1-RUNX1T1 [Gene ID=861 862] fusion protein in normal hematopoietic progenitors; their expression was sustained in subsequently developing erythroid lineage.
Broad COWLING_MYCN_TARGETS View Gene Set 0.0001405 41 0.002154 155 Genes down-regulated by MYCN [Gene ID=4613] but not by its transactivation-defficient trunkated form N-Myc-delta-73.
Broad MORI_PRE_BI_LYMPHOCYTE_DN View Gene Set 0.0001401 65 0.002154 155 Down-regulated genes in the B lymphocyte developmental signature based on expression profiling of lymphomas from the Emu-myc transgenic mice: the Pre-BI stage.
Broad GAUSSMANN_MLL_AF4_FUSION_TARGETS_E_UP View Gene Set 0.0001531 75 0.002332 157 Up-regulated genes from the set E (Fig. 5a): specific signature shared by cells expressing either MLL-AF4 [Gene ID=4297 4299] or AF4-MLL fusion proteins alone and those expressing both fusion proteins.
Broad SEIDEN_ONCOGENESIS_BY_MET View Gene Set 0.000157 83 0.002377 158 Genes changed in xenograft tumors formed by DLD-1 or DKO-4 cells (colon cancer) overexpressing MET [Gene ID=4233].
Broad ACEVEDO_LIVER_CANCER_WITH_H3K27ME3_UP View Gene Set 0.0001619 280 0.002435 159 Genes whose promoters display higher levels of histone H3 trimethylation mark at K27 (H3K27me3) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared to normal liver.
Broad VART_KSHV_INFECTION_ANGIOGENIC_MARKERS_UP View Gene Set 0.0001643 163 0.002456 160 Angiogenic markers up-regulated in lymph endothelial cells upon infection with KSHV (Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus).
Broad TONKS_TARGETS_OF_RUNX1_RUNX1T1_FUSION_ERYTHROCYTE_UP View Gene Set 0.0001672 155 0.002484 161 Genes up-regulated in erythroid lineage cells by RUNX1-RUNX1T1 [Gene ID=861 862] fusion .
Broad MAHADEVAN_IMATINIB_RESISTANCE_UP View Gene Set 0.0001752 22 0.002588 162 Top genes up-regulated in the GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) cell line resistant to imatinib [PubChem=5291] compared to the parental cell line sensitive to the drug.
Broad SPIRA_SMOKERS_LUNG_CANCER_UP View Gene Set 0.0002058 38 0.003021 163 Up-regulated genes that distinguished smokers with and without lung cancer.
Broad BARRIER_CANCER_RELAPSE_TUMOR_SAMPLE_UP View Gene Set 0.0002074 16 0.003025 164 Up-regulated genes in tumor samples from colon cancer patients who developed recurrence of the disease.
Broad BERTUCCI_MEDULLARY_VS_DUCTAL_BREAST_CANCER_DN View Gene Set 0.0002143 153 0.003069 165 Genes down-regulated in medullary breast cancer (MBC) relative to ductal breast cancer (DBD).
Broad ZHANG_INTERFERON_RESPONSE View Gene Set 0.0002135 21 0.003069 165 Interferon-inducible genes up-regulated in A549 cells (lung cancer) infected with a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that had its NS1 [Gene ID=1494468] gene knocked down by RNAi.
Broad ZHAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_CD2_UP View Gene Set 0.0002135 42 0.003069 165 Top 50 up-regulated genes in cluster CD-2 of multiple myeloma samples with the characteristic expression spike of CCND3 [Gene ID=896].
Broad WIELAND_UP_BY_HBV_INFECTION View Gene Set 0.0002186 98 0.003112 168 Genes induced in the liver during hepatitis B (HBV) viral clearance in chimpanzees.
Broad AIGNER_ZEB1_TARGETS View Gene Set 0.000232 29 0.003264 169 Genes up-regulated in MDA-MB-231 cells (breast cancer) after knockdown of ZEB1 [Gene ID=6935] by RNAi.
Broad HUANG_FOXA2_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 0.0002315 45 0.003264 169 Genes up-regulated in H358 cells (lung cancer) by inducible expression of FOXA2 [GeneID=3170] in a Tet-off system.
Broad RHEIN_ALL_GLUCOCORTICOID_THERAPY_UP View Gene Set 0.0002445 75 0.0034 171 Genes up-regulated in ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) blasts after 1 week of treatment with glucocorticoids.
Broad ZHAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_MF_DN View Gene Set 0.000244 38 0.0034 171 Top 50 down-regulated genes in cluster MF of multiple myeloma samples with characteristic expression spike of MAF family transcription factors.
Broad HESS_TARGETS_OF_HOXA9_AND_MEIS1_DN View Gene Set 0.000247 70 0.003415 173 Genes down-regulated in hematopoietic precursor cells conditionally expressing HOXA9 and MEIS1 [Gene ID=3205 4211].
Broad SENGUPTA_NASOPHARYNGEAL_CARCINOMA_DN View Gene Set 0.0002518 296 0.003461 174 Genes down-regulated in nsopharyngeal carcinoma relative to the normal tissue.
Broad RODRIGUES_DCC_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 0.0002579 121 0.003521 175 Genes down-regulated in HCT8/S1 cells (colon cancer) which normally lack DCC [Gene ID=9423] compared to those stably expressing wild type DCC off a plasmid vector.
Broad TAKEDA_TARGETS_OF_NUP98_HOXA9_FUSION_6HR_UP View Gene Set 0.0002591 82 0.003521 175 Genes up-rgulated in CD34+ [Gene ID=947] hematopoetic cells by expression of NUP98-HOXA9 fusion [Gene ID=4928 3205] off a retroviral vector at 6h.
Broad PAPASPYRIDONOS_UNSTABLE_ATEROSCLEROTIC_PLAQUE_UP View Gene Set 0.0002645 49 0.003574 177 Genes up-regulated in unstable ateroslerotic plaques compared to the stable ones.
Broad AKL_HTLV1_INFECTION_DN View Gene Set 0.000269 67 0.003614 178 Genes down-regulated in WE17/10 cells (CD4+ [Gene ID=920] T lymphocytes) infected by HTLV1 (and thus displaying low CD7 [Gene ID=924]) compared to the uninfected (i.e. CD7+) cells.
Broad RUTELLA_RESPONSE_TO_HGF_DN View Gene Set 0.0002798 223 0.00374 179 Genes down-regulated in peripheral blood monocytes by HGF [Gene ID=3082].
Broad GINESTIER_BREAST_CANCER_20Q13_AMPLIFICATION_UP View Gene Set 0.000282 104 0.003748 180 Genes up-regulated in metastatic breast cancer tumors having type 2 amplification in the 20q13 region; involves MYBL2 STK6 and ZNF217 [Gene ID=4605 6790 7764]
Broad DELYS_THYROID_CANCER_DN View Gene Set 0.0002989 213 0.003936 181 Genes down-regulated in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) compared to normal tissue.
Broad SESTO_RESPONSE_TO_UV_C8 View Gene Set 0.0002994 71 0.003936 181 Cluster 8: genes changed in primary keratinocytes by UVB irradiation.
Broad ACEVEDO_METHYLATED_IN_LIVER_CANCER_DN View Gene Set 0.0003045 882 0.003981 183 Genes whose DNA is hyper-methylated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared to normal liver.
Broad JISON_SICKLE_CELL_DISEASE_UP View Gene Set 0.0003082 175 0.004006 184 Genes up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from sickle cell disease patients compared to those from healthy subjects.
Broad DAZARD_RESPONSE_TO_UV_SCC_UP View Gene Set 0.0003135 80 0.004053 185 Genes up-regulated in SCC12B2 cells (squamous cell carcinoma) by UV-B irradiation.
Broad WAMUNYOKOLI_OVARIAN_CANCER_GRADES_1_2_UP View Gene Set 0.0003196 131 0.00411 186 Genes up-regulated in mucinous ovarian carcinoma tumors of grades 1 and 2 compared to the normal ovarian survace epithelium tissue.
Broad BERENJENO_TRANSFORMED_BY_RHOA_FOREVER_DN View Gene Set 0.0003495 32 0.004471 187 Genes down-regulated in NIH3T3 cells (fibroblasts) transfrormed by expression of constitutively active (Q63L) form of RHOA [Gene ID=387] off plasmid vector; their expression did NOT reverted completely after treatment with Y27632 [PubChem=123862] an inhibitor of ROCK proteins.
Broad ELVIDGE_HIF1A_AND_HIF2A_TARGETS_DN View Gene Set 0.0003661 100 0.004658 188 Genes down-regulated in MCF7 cells (breast cancer) after knockdown of both HIF1A and HIF2A [Gene ID=3091 2034] by RNAi.
Broad HINATA_NFKB_TARGETS_KERATINOCYTE_UP View Gene Set 0.0003724 71 0.004713 189 Genes up-regulated in primary keratinocytes by expression of p50 (NFKB1) and p65 (RELA) [Gene ID=4790 5970] components of NFKB.
Broad SHEN_SMARCA2_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 0.0003766 406 0.004741 190 Genes whose expression positively correlated with that of SMARCA2 [Gene ID=6595] in prostate cancer samples.
Broad MARZEC_IL2_SIGNALING_DN View Gene Set 0.0003853 34 0.004825 191 Genes down-regulated by IL2 [Gene ID=3558] in cells derived from CD4+ [Gene ID=920] cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL).
Broad KLEIN_PRIMARY_EFFUSION_LYMPHOMA_DN View Gene Set 0.000412 56 0.005132 192 Genes down-regulated in AIDS-related primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) samples compared to other tumor subtypes and normal B lymphocytes.
Broad MOSERLE_IFNA_RESPONSE View Gene Set 0.0004165 30 0.005162 193 Top 50 genes up-regulated in ovarian cancer progenitor cells (also known as side population SP cells) in response to interferon alpha (IFNA).
Broad HENDRICKS_SMARCA4_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 0.0004486 49 0.005531 194 Genes up-regulated in ALAB cells (breast cancer) upon reintroduction of SMARCA4 [Gene ID=6597] expressed off adenoviral vector.
Broad KAN_RESPONSE_TO_ARSENIC_TRIOXIDE View Gene Set 0.0004513 117 0.005536 195 Genes changed in U373-MG cells (malignant glioma) upon treatment with arsenic trioxide [PubChem=14888] a chemical that can cause autophagic cell death.
Broad KOYAMA_SEMA3B_TARGETS_UP View Gene Set 0.0004795 219 0.005851 196 Genes up-regulated in NCI-H1299 cells (large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma) stably expressing SEMA3B [Gene ID=7869].
Broad ZHAN_MULTIPLE_MYELOMA_CD1_DN View Gene Set 0.0004879 43 0.005924 197 Top 50 down-regulated genes in cluster CD-1 of multiple myeloma samples with the characteristic expression spike of CCND1 [Gene ID=595].
Broad GRUETZMANN_PANCREATIC_CANCER_UP View Gene Set 0.0004931 345 0.005928 198 Genes up-regulated in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) identified in a meta analysis across four independent studies.
Broad IZADPANAH_STEM_CELL_ADIPOSE_VS_BONE_DN View Gene Set 0.0004918 104 0.005928 198 Genes down-regulated in adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells (ASC) vs bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (rBMSC)
Broad MCLACHLAN_DENTAL_CARIES_DN View Gene Set 0.0005016 234 0.006 200 Genes down-regulated in pulpal tissue extracted from carious teeth.

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c2.CP.KEGG

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad KEGG_CELL_ADHESION_MOLECULES_CAMS View Gene Set 2.747e-06 134 0.0005109 1 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
Broad KEGG_LYSOSOME View Gene Set 6.014e-05 122 0.005593 2 Lysosome
Broad KEGG_ECM_RECEPTOR_INTERACTION View Gene Set 0.0004079 84 0.02529 3 ECM-receptor interaction

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c2.CP.REACTOME

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad REACTOME_HEMOSTASIS View Gene Set 1.532e-07 274 6.587e-05 1 Genes involved in Hemostasis
Broad REACTOME_CELL_JUNCTION_ORGANIZATION View Gene Set 5.5e-06 84 0.001183 2 Genes involved in Cell junction organization
Broad REACTOME_SIGNALING_IN_IMMUNE_SYSTEM View Gene Set 1.079e-05 366 0.001547 3 Genes involved in Signaling in Immune system
Broad REACTOME_FORMATION_OF_PLATELET_PLUG View Gene Set 1.498e-05 186 0.00161 4 Genes involved in Formation of Platelet plug
Broad REACTOME_MUSCLE_CONTRACTION View Gene Set 3.846e-05 51 0.003308 5 Genes involved in Muscle contraction
Broad REACTOME_PLATELET_ACTIVATION View Gene Set 4.857e-05 167 0.003481 6 Genes involved in Platelet Activation
Broad REACTOME_CELL_SURFACE_INTERACTIONS_AT_THE_VASCULAR_WALL View Gene Set 0.0001068 94 0.00656 7 Genes involved in Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall
Broad REACTOME_FURTHER_PLATELET_RELEASATE View Gene Set 0.0002285 24 0.01092 8 Genes involved in Further platelet releasate
Broad REACTOME_SMOOTH_MUSCLE_CONTRACTION View Gene Set 0.0002077 24 0.01092 8 Genes involved in Smooth Muscle Contraction
Broad REACTOME_CELL_CELL_ADHESION_SYSTEMS View Gene Set 0.0005846 59 0.02514 10 Genes involved in Cell-cell adhesion systems
Broad REACTOME_CHEMOKINE_RECEPTORS_BIND_CHEMOKINES View Gene Set 0.0007067 55 0.02763 11 Genes involved in Chemokine receptors bind chemokines

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c3.MIR

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad ACTGTGA MIR-27A MIR-27B View Gene Set 4.611e-06 385 0.0005095 1 Targets of MicroRNA ACTGTGA MIR-27A MIR-27B MIR-27A... MIR-27B...
Broad AAGCACA MIR-218 View Gene Set 3.512e-06 336 0.0005095 1 Targets of MicroRNA AAGCACA MIR-218 MIR-218...
Broad TGCACTT MIR-519C MIR-519B MIR-519A View Gene Set 2.39e-05 377 0.00176 3 Targets of MicroRNA TGCACTT MIR-519C MIR-519B MIR-519A MIR-519C... MIR-519B... MIR-519A...
Broad TGCCTTA MIR-124A View Gene Set 5.043e-05 471 0.002786 4 Targets of MicroRNA TGCCTTA MIR-124A MIR-124A...
Broad GCACTTT MIR-17-5P MIR-20A MIR-106A MIR-106B MIR-20B MIR-519D View Gene Set 0.0001019 506 0.002904 5 Targets of MicroRNA GCACTTT MIR-17-5P MIR-20A MIR-106A MIR-106B MIR-20B MIR-519D MIR-17-5P... MIR-20A... MIR-106A... MIR-106B... MIR-20B... MIR-519D...
Broad ATGTTAA MIR-302C View Gene Set 9.309e-05 206 0.002904 5 Targets of MicroRNA ATGTTAA MIR-302C MIR-302C...
Broad GTATTAT MIR-369-3P View Gene Set 0.0001051 174 0.002904 5 Targets of MicroRNA GTATTAT MIR-369-3P MIR-369-3P...
Broad TAGCTTT MIR-9 View Gene Set 8.056e-05 198 0.002904 5 Targets of MicroRNA TAGCTTT MIR-9 MIR-9...
Broad ACATATC MIR-190 View Gene Set 0.0001356 50 0.003329 9 Targets of MicroRNA ACATATC MIR-190 MIR-190...
Broad TGTTTAC MIR-30A-5P MIR-30C MIR-30D MIR-30B MIR-30E-5P View Gene Set 0.0001769 492 0.00391 10 Targets of MicroRNA TGTTTAC MIR-30A-5P MIR-30C MIR-30D MIR-30B MIR-30E-5P MIR-30A-5P... MIR-30C... MIR-30D... MIR-30B... MIR-30E-5P...
Broad CAGTATT MIR-200B MIR-200C MIR-429 View Gene Set 0.0002253 386 0.004024 11 Targets of MicroRNA CAGTATT MIR-200B MIR-200C MIR-429 MIR-200B... MIR-200C... MIR-429...
Broad TACTTGA MIR-26A MIR-26B View Gene Set 0.0002199 258 0.004024 11 Targets of MicroRNA TACTTGA MIR-26A MIR-26B MIR-26A... MIR-26B...
Broad TTTGCAC MIR-19A MIR-19B View Gene Set 0.0002367 440 0.004024 11 Targets of MicroRNA TTTGCAC MIR-19A MIR-19B MIR-19A... MIR-19B...
Broad TGCACTG MIR-148A MIR-152 MIR-148B View Gene Set 0.0003782 252 0.005651 14 Targets of MicroRNA TGCACTG MIR-148A MIR-152 MIR-148B MIR-148A... MIR-152... MIR-148B...
Broad TTGCCAA MIR-182 View Gene Set 0.0003835 274 0.005651 14 Targets of MicroRNA TTGCCAA MIR-182 MIR-182...
Broad ATATGCA MIR-448 View Gene Set 0.0005066 184 0.006997 16 Targets of MicroRNA ATATGCA MIR-448 MIR-448...
Broad TTGCACT MIR-130A MIR-301 MIR-130B View Gene Set 0.000838 335 0.01089 17 Targets of MicroRNA TTGCACT MIR-130A MIR-301 MIR-130B MIR-130A... MIR-301... MIR-130B...
Broad AATGTGA MIR-23A MIR-23B View Gene Set 0.001307 356 0.01605 18 Targets of MicroRNA AATGTGA MIR-23A MIR-23B MIR-23A... MIR-23B...
Broad CTTTGTA MIR-524 View Gene Set 0.00164 375 0.01824 19 Targets of MicroRNA CTTTGTA MIR-524 MIR-524...
Broad GTTATAT MIR-410 View Gene Set 0.00165 86 0.01824 19 Targets of MicroRNA GTTATAT MIR-410 MIR-410...
Broad CACTTTG MIR-520G MIR-520H View Gene Set 0.002198 206 0.02313 21 Targets of MicroRNA CACTTTG MIR-520G MIR-520H MIR-520G... MIR-520H...
Broad CAGTGTT MIR-141 MIR-200A View Gene Set 0.002795 262 0.02686 22 Targets of MicroRNA CAGTGTT MIR-141 MIR-200A MIR-141... MIR-200A...
Broad AGCATTA MIR-155 View Gene Set 0.002731 118 0.02686 22 Targets of MicroRNA AGCATTA MIR-155 MIR-155...
Broad GCAAAAA MIR-129 View Gene Set 0.003195 152 0.02943 24 Targets of MicroRNA GCAAAAA MIR-129 MIR-129...
Broad GTGCCAT MIR-183 View Gene Set 0.004488 152 0.03967 25 Targets of MicroRNA GTGCCAT MIR-183 MIR-183...
Broad TTGGGAG MIR-150 View Gene Set 0.004698 65 0.03993 26 Targets of MicroRNA TTGGGAG MIR-150 MIR-150...

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c3.TFT

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad TTGTTT_V$FOXO4_01 View Gene Set 7.727e-09 1507 4.752e-06 1 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif TTGTTT which matches annotation for MLLT7: myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog Drosophila); translocated to 7
Broad AACTTT_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 7.191e-08 1437 2.211e-05 2 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif AACTTT. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad TTANTCA_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 2.339e-06 702 0.0003596 3 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif TTANTCA. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad YTATTTTNR_V$MEF2_02 View Gene Set 2.097e-06 528 0.0003596 3 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif YTATTTTNR which matches annotation for MEF2A: MADS box transcription enhancer factor 2 polypeptide A (myocyte enhancer factor 2A)
Broad TGANTCA_V$AP1_C View Gene Set 3.314e-06 850 0.0004076 5 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif TGANTCA which matches annotation for JUN: jun oncogene
Broad CAGCTG_V$AP4_Q5 View Gene Set 5.166e-06 1129 0.0005295 6 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CAGCTG which matches annotation for REPIN1: replication initiator 1
Broad CTTTGA_V$LEF1_Q2 View Gene Set 2.361e-05 902 0.002074 7 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CTTTGA which matches annotation for LEF1: lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1
Broad ACAWYAAAG_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 8.931e-05 81 0.005531 8 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif ACAWYAAAG. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$NKX25_02 View Gene Set 8.17e-05 199 0.005531 8 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CWTAATTG which matches annotation for NKX2-5: NK2 transcription factor related locus 5 (Drosophila)
Broad CTGCAGY_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 8.993e-05 570 0.005531 8 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif CTGCAGY. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad TGGAAA_V$NFAT_Q4_01 View Gene Set 0.0001039 1403 0.005808 11 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif TGGAAA which matches annotation for NFAT<br> NFATC
Broad V$TCF11_01 View Gene Set 0.0001279 171 0.006049 12 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif GTCATNNWNNNNN which matches annotation for NFE2L1: nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 1
Broad V$CDX2_Q5 View Gene Set 0.0001215 196 0.006049 12 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif ANANTTTTATKRCC which matches annotation for CDX2: caudal type homeobox transcription factor 2
Broad V$FOXJ2_02 View Gene Set 0.0001875 176 0.008237 14 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif AYMATAATATTTKN which matches annotation for FOXJ2: forkhead box J2
Broad V$HNF3ALPHA_Q6 View Gene Set 0.0002125 164 0.008242 15 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif TRTTTGYTYWN which matches annotation for FOXA1: forkhead box A1
Broad V$AP1_Q6_01 View Gene Set 0.0002144 201 0.008242 15 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NTGACTCAN which matches annotation for JUN: jun oncogene
Broad V$TATA_C View Gene Set 0.000354 241 0.01281 17 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NCTATAAAAR which matches annotation for TAF<br> TATA
Broad V$NKX62_Q2 View Gene Set 0.0003785 187 0.01293 18 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NWADTAAWTANN which matches annotation for NKX6-2: NK6 transcription factor related locus 2 (Drosophila)
Broad CTTTAAR_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.0004366 739 0.01343 19 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif CTTTAAR. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad RTAAACA_V$FREAC2_01 View Gene Set 0.0004184 697 0.01343 19 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif RTAAACA which matches annotation for FOXF2: forkhead box F2
Broad V$ISRE_01 View Gene Set 0.0005448 171 0.01457 21 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CAGTTTCWCTTTYCC which matches annotation for STAT1: signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 91kDa<br> STAT2: signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 113kDa
Broad V$HFH3_01 View Gene Set 0.000502 156 0.01457 21 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif KNNTRTTTRTTTA which matches annotation for FOXI1: forkhead box I1
Broad V$SRF_Q5_01 View Gene Set 0.0005448 189 0.01457 21 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CCAWATAWGGMNMNG which matches annotation for SRF: serum response factor (c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor)
Broad GGGYGTGNY_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.0006529 487 0.01606 24 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif GGGYGTGNY. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad TAATTA_V$CHX10_01 View Gene Set 0.0006434 612 0.01606 24 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif TAATTA which matches annotation for VSX1: visual system homeobox 1 homolog CHX10-like (zebrafish)
Broad V$FOXD3_01 View Gene Set 0.0007058 162 0.01669 26 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NAWTGTTTRTTT which matches annotation for FOXD3: forkhead box D3
Broad V$ICSBP_Q6 View Gene Set 0.0007623 186 0.01736 27 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif RAARTGAAACTG which matches annotation for IRF8: interferon regulatory factor 8
Broad GATAAGR_V$GATA_C View Gene Set 0.0008428 232 0.01851 28 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif GATAAGR. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$AP1_C View Gene Set 0.0009727 222 0.02003 29 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NTGASTCAG which matches annotation for JUN: jun oncogene
Broad V$GFI1_01 View Gene Set 0.0009771 199 0.02003 29 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNNNNNAAATCACWGYNNNNNNN which matches annotation for GFI1: growth factor independent 1
Broad CAGGTG_V$E12_Q6 View Gene Set 0.001096 1818 0.02174 31 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CAGGTG which matches annotation for TCF3: transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47)
Broad RYTTCCTG_V$ETS2_B View Gene Set 0.001185 809 0.02278 32 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif RYTTCCTG which matches annotation for ETS2: v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 2 (avian)
Broad V$LHX3_01 View Gene Set 0.001597 182 0.02976 33 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif AATTAATTAA which matches annotation for LHX3: LIM homeobox 3
Broad V$HMEF2_Q6 View Gene Set 0.001775 108 0.0312 34 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif SKYTAAAAATAACYCH. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad TGACATY_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.001767 503 0.0312 34 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif TGACATY. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$PAX4_02 View Gene Set 0.002039 192 0.03261 36 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NAAWAATTANS which matches annotation for PAX4: paired box gene 4
Broad V$ATF3_Q6 View Gene Set 0.001991 193 0.03261 36 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CBCTGACGTCANCS which matches annotation for ATF3: activating transcription factor 3
Broad V$AP1_01 View Gene Set 0.002068 204 0.03261 36 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNTGAGTCAKCN which matches annotation for JUN: jun oncogene
Broad YNGTTNNNATT_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.001917 265 0.03261 36 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif YNGTTNNNATT. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$STAT5A_04 View Gene Set 0.002222 146 0.03362 40 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNTTCYN which matches annotation for STAT5A: signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A
Broad RGAANNTTC_V$HSF1_01 View Gene Set 0.002242 326 0.03362 40 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif RGAANNTTC which matches annotation for HSF1: heat shock transcription factor 1
Broad CTTTGT_V$LEF1_Q2 View Gene Set 0.002427 1458 0.03555 42 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif CTTTGT which matches annotation for LEF1: lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1
Broad V$RSRFC4_01 View Gene Set 0.002504 192 0.03582 43 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif RNKCTATTTWTAGMWN which matches annotation for MEF2A: MADS box transcription enhancer factor 2 polypeptide A (myocyte enhancer factor 2A)
Broad V$HNF3_Q6 View Gene Set 0.002744 153 0.03836 44 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NWRARYAAAYANN which matches annotation for FOXA1: forkhead box A1
Broad V$TAL1ALPHAE47_01 View Gene Set 0.003226 192 0.04353 45 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNAACAGATGKTNNN which matches annotation for TAL1: T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1<br> TCF3: transcription factor 3 (E2A immunoglobulin enhancer binding factors E12/E47)
Broad YATTNATC_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.003256 275 0.04353 45 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif YATTNATC. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$HNF6_Q6 View Gene Set 0.003454 182 0.0452 47 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif HWAAATCAATAW which matches annotation for ONECUT1: one cut domain family member 1
Broad V$SRF_Q4 View Gene Set 0.003529 189 0.04522 48 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif SCCAWATAWGGMNMNNNN which matches annotation for SRF: serum response factor (c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor)
Broad GTGGGTGK_UNKNOWN View Gene Set 0.003611 224 0.04532 49 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif GTGGGTGK. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$MEF2_01 View Gene Set 0.003969 117 0.04605 50 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing motif CTCTAAAAATAACYCY. Motif does not match any known transcription factor
Broad V$OCT1_03 View Gene Set 0.003859 164 0.04605 50 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNRTAATNANNN which matches annotation for POU2F1: POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1
Broad V$OCT1_04 View Gene Set 0.003927 188 0.04605 50 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNNNNNNWATGCAAATNNNWNNA which matches annotation for POU2F1: POU domain class 2 transcription factor 1
Broad V$BRN2_01 View Gene Set 0.003934 188 0.04605 50 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NNCATNSRWAATNMRN which matches annotation for POU3F2: POU domain class 3 transcription factor 2
Broad V$GATA_C View Gene Set 0.004186 204 0.04768 54 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif NGATAAGNMNN which matches annotation for GATA1: GATA binding protein 1 (globin transcription factor 1)
Broad V$SRF_C View Gene Set 0.0044 174 0.0492 55 Genes with promoter regions [-2kb 2kb] around transcription start site containing the motif DCCWTATATGGNCWN which matches annotation for SRF: serum response factor (c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor)

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c4.CGN

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad GCM_MAP4K4 View Gene Set 1.64e-06 144 0.0007003 1 Neighborhood of MAP4K4
Broad GNF2_CDH3 View Gene Set 5.738e-06 24 0.0008167 2 Neighborhood of CDH3
Broad GNF2_SERPINB5 View Gene Set 4.056e-06 25 0.0008167 2 Neighborhood of SERPINB5
Broad GCM_DLG1 View Gene Set 3.33e-05 63 0.003118 4 Neighborhood of DLG1
Broad GCM_MAPK10 View Gene Set 3.651e-05 75 0.003118 4 Neighborhood of MAPK10
Broad GNF2_RAP1B View Gene Set 6.163e-05 33 0.004386 6 Neighborhood of RAP1B
Broad GCM_PTK2 View Gene Set 8.743e-05 126 0.005333 7 Neighborhood of PTK2
Broad GCM_SIRT2 View Gene Set 0.0001287 39 0.00687 8 Neighborhood of SIRT2
Broad MORF_PTPRB View Gene Set 0.0007729 241 0.03667 9 Neighborhood of PTPRB

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c4.CM

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad module_47 View Gene Set 1.618e-08 216 7.218e-06 1 Genes in module_47
Broad module_66 View Gene Set 6.05e-08 530 7.218e-06 1 Genes in module_66
Broad module_100 View Gene Set 6.103e-08 523 7.218e-06 1 Genes in module_100
Broad module_137 View Gene Set 6.359e-08 525 7.218e-06 1 Genes in module_137
Broad module_1 View Gene Set 1.321e-07 355 8.37e-06 5 Genes in module_1
Broad module_2 View Gene Set 1.475e-07 373 8.37e-06 5 Genes in module_2
Broad module_11 View Gene Set 1.362e-07 520 8.37e-06 5 Genes in module_11
Broad module_357 View Gene Set 1.464e-07 78 8.37e-06 5 Genes in module_357
Broad module_297 View Gene Set 3.497e-07 78 1.764e-05 9 Genes in module_297
Broad module_64 View Gene Set 8.726e-07 506 3.962e-05 10 Genes in module_64
Broad module_456 View Gene Set 1.04e-06 108 4.294e-05 11 Genes in module_456
Broad module_5 View Gene Set 1.188e-06 420 4.495e-05 12 Genes in module_5
Broad module_46 View Gene Set 2.363e-06 386 8.253e-05 13 Genes in module_46
Broad module_154 View Gene Set 3.133e-06 73 0.0001016 14 Genes in module_154
Broad module_84 View Gene Set 5.128e-06 526 0.0001455 15 Genes in module_84
Broad module_122 View Gene Set 5.112e-06 138 0.0001455 15 Genes in module_122
Broad module_75 View Gene Set 1.37e-05 391 0.0003659 17 Genes in module_75
Broad module_6 View Gene Set 7.243e-05 403 0.001827 18 Genes in module_6
Broad module_112 View Gene Set 9.277e-05 255 0.002217 19 Genes in module_112
Broad module_212 View Gene Set 0.0001773 316 0.004025 20 Genes in module_212
Broad module_12 View Gene Set 0.0002025 346 0.004378 21 Genes in module_12
Broad module_342 View Gene Set 0.0002578 195 0.005321 22 Genes in module_342
Broad module_205 View Gene Set 0.0002794 259 0.005515 23 Genes in module_205
Broad module_45 View Gene Set 0.0003163 563 0.005984 24 Genes in module_45
Broad module_176 View Gene Set 0.0003908 225 0.007097 25 Genes in module_176
Broad module_144 View Gene Set 0.0004382 8 0.007652 26 Genes in module_144
Broad module_108 View Gene Set 0.0007222 52 0.01214 27 Genes in module_108
Broad module_86 View Gene Set 0.000797 43 0.01226 28 Genes in module_86
Broad module_121 View Gene Set 0.0007784 98 0.01226 28 Genes in module_121
Broad module_263 View Gene Set 0.00081 43 0.01226 28 Genes in module_263
Broad module_293 View Gene Set 0.0008819 12 0.01251 31 Genes in module_293
Broad module_324 View Gene Set 0.0008657 131 0.01251 31 Genes in module_324
Broad module_275 View Gene Set 0.0009768 16 0.01344 33 Genes in module_275
Broad module_321 View Gene Set 0.001036 107 0.01384 34 Genes in module_321
Broad module_88 View Gene Set 0.001169 812 0.01516 35 Genes in module_88
Broad module_44 View Gene Set 0.001431 319 0.0177 36 Genes in module_44
Broad module_412 View Gene Set 0.001443 13 0.0177 36 Genes in module_412
Broad module_117 View Gene Set 0.001568 699 0.01873 38 Genes in module_117
Broad module_492 View Gene Set 0.001967 17 0.0229 39 Genes in module_492
Broad module_260 View Gene Set 0.00279 5 0.03166 40 Genes in module_260
Broad module_55 View Gene Set 0.003033 807 0.03358 41 Genes in module_55
Broad module_223 View Gene Set 0.003513 140 0.03797 42 Genes in module_223

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c5.CC

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad PLASMA_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 2.642e-07 1392 6.157e-05 1 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005886. The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins.
Broad MEMBRANE View Gene Set 9.96e-06 1939 0.001002 2 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0016020. Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells and in eukaryotes many organelles; may be a single or double lipid bilayer; also includes associated proteins.
Broad PLASMA_MEMBRANE_PART View Gene Set 1.291e-05 1142 0.001002 2 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0044459. Any constituent part of the plasma membrane the membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins.
Broad MEMBRANE_PART View Gene Set 0.0001247 1632 0.007261 4 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0044425. Any constituent part of a membrane a double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells and in eukaryotes many organelles; may be a single or double lipid bilayer; also includes associated proteins.
Broad INTRINSIC_TO_PLASMA_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 0.0003956 978 0.01672 5 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0031226. Located in the plasma membrane such that some covalently attached portion of the gene product for example part of a peptide sequence or some other covalently attached moiety such as a GPI anchor spans or is embedded in one or both leaflets of the membrane.
Broad EXTRACELLULAR_REGION_PART View Gene Set 0.0004704 331 0.01672 5 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0044421. Any constituent part of the extracellular region the space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers constituent parts of the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
Broad INTEGRAL_TO_PLASMA_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 0.0005022 964 0.01672 5 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005887. Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a plasma membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer.
Broad EXTRACELLULAR_REGION View Gene Set 0.0007106 437 0.0207 8 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005576. The space external to the outermost structure of a cell. For cells without external protective or external encapsulating structures this refers to space outside of the plasma membrane. This term covers the host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
Broad ACTIN_CYTOSKELETON View Gene Set 0.0008175 127 0.02116 9 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0015629. The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins. Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes.
Broad INTRINSIC_TO_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 0.001154 1319 0.02689 10 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0031224. Located in a membrane such that some covalently attached portion of the gene product for example part of a peptide sequence or some other covalently attached moiety such as a GPI anchor spans or is embedded in one or both leaflets of the membrane.
Broad INTEGRAL_TO_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 0.001426 1301 0.0302 11 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0016021. Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane.
Broad ENDOSOME View Gene Set 0.001589 64 0.03086 12 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005768. A membrane-bound organelle that carries materials newly ingested by endocytosis. It passes many of the materials to lysosomes for degradation.
Broad GOLGI_APPARATUS View Gene Set 0.003313 222 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005794. A compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells consisting of flattened ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack. The Golgi apparatus differs from the endoplasmic reticulum in often having slightly thicker membranes appearing in sections as a characteristic shallow semicircle so that the convex side (cis or entry face) abuts the endoplasmic reticulum secretory vesicles emerging from the concave side (trans or exit face). In vertebrate cells there is usually one such organelle while in invertebrates and plants where they are known usually as dictyosomes there may be several scattered in the cytoplasm. The Golgi apparatus processes proteins produced on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum; such processing includes modification of the core oligosaccharides of glycoproteins and the sorting and packaging of proteins for transport to a variety of cellular locations. Three different regions of the Golgi are now recognized both in terms of structure and function: cis in the vicinity of the cis face trans in the vicinity of the trans face and medial lying between the cis and trans regions.
Broad GOLGI_APPARATUS_PART View Gene Set 0.003419 98 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0044431. Any constituent part of the Golgi apparatus a compound membranous cytoplasmic organelle of eukaryotic cells consisting of flattened ribosome-free vesicles arranged in a more or less regular stack.
Broad CYTOPLASMIC_VESICLE View Gene Set 0.003482 115 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0031410. A vesicle formed of membrane or protein found in the cytoplasm of a cell.
Broad PERINUCLEAR_REGION_OF_CYTOPLASM View Gene Set 0.002912 55 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0048471. Cytoplasm situated near or occurring around the nucleus.
Broad TRANSPORT_VESICLE View Gene Set 0.003122 29 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0030133. Any of the vesicles of the constitutive secretory pathway which carry cargo from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi between Golgi cisternae and to destinations within or outside the cell.
Broad EXTRACELLULAR_SPACE View Gene Set 0.002644 239 0.04507 13 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005615. That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes and occupied by fluid.
Broad VESICLE View Gene Set 0.003773 120 0.04627 19 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0031982. Any small fluid-filled spherical organelle enclosed by membrane or protein.
Broad GOLGI_MEMBRANE View Gene Set 0.004031 43 0.04696 20 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0000139. The lipid bilayer surrounding any of the compartments of the Golgi apparatus.

Gene Set Collection: Broad.c5.MF

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Broad RECEPTOR_BINDING View Gene Set 5.452e-05 373 0.02159 1 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0005102. Interacting selectively with one or more specific sites on a receptor molecule a macromolecule that undergoes combination with a hormone neurotransmitter drug or intracellular messenger to initiate a change in cell function.
Broad CHEMOKINE_ACTIVITY View Gene Set 0.0001636 42 0.02159 2 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0008009. The function of a family of chemotactic pro-inflammatory activation-inducible cytokines acting primarily upon hemopoietic cells in immunoregulatory processes; all chemokines possess a number of conserved cysteine residues involved in intramolecular disulfide bond formation.
Broad CHEMOKINE_RECEPTOR_BINDING View Gene Set 0.0001636 43 0.02159 2 Genes annotated by the GO term GO:0042379. Interacting selectively with any chemokine receptor.

Gene Set Collection: PMID

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
PMID 15772651 View Gene Set 1.371e-07 397 0.0003436 1 The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome.
PMID 12975309 View Gene Set 8.03e-07 1000 0.000671 2 The secreted protein discovery initiative (SPDI) a large-scale effort to identify novel human secreted and transmembrane proteins: a bioinformatics assessment.
PMID 20237496 View Gene Set 5.519e-07 828 0.000671 2 New genetic associations detected in a host response study to hepatitis B vaccine.
PMID 15340161 View Gene Set 9.892e-05 264 0.03951 4 Signal peptide prediction based on analysis of experimentally verified cleavage sites.
PMID 15481145 View Gene Set 0.0001103 18 0.03951 4 Immunomodulatory effects of the HIV-1 gp120 protein on antigen presenting cells: implications for AIDS pathogenesis.
PMID 7539755 View Gene Set 7.553e-05 21 0.03951 4 Modulation of CD4 lateral interaction with lymphocyte surface molecules induced by HIV-1 gp120.
PMID 7865130 View Gene Set 0.0001027 20 0.03951 4 Isolation of cDNA clones for 42 different Krüppel-related zinc finger proteins expressed in the human monoblast cell line U-937.
PMID 11739647 View Gene Set 0.0001491 24 0.0443 8 Complexes of tetraspanins with integrins: more than meets the eye.
PMID 12743021 View Gene Set 0.0002313 18 0.0443 8 Differential expansion of zinc-finger transcription factor loci in homologous human and mouse gene clusters.
PMID 19269008 View Gene Set 0.0002341 11 0.0443 8 Mutational analysis of CASP1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 14 genes in gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
PMID 19414860 View Gene Set 0.0002386 12 0.0443 8 Genetic variation in caspase genes and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a pooled analysis of 3 population-based case-control studies.
PMID 20402676 View Gene Set 0.0002341 11 0.0443 8 Mutational analysis of caspase genes in prostate carcinomas.
PMID 7690138 View Gene Set 0.0002474 10 0.0443 8 The Tat protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 a growth factor for AIDS Kaposi sarcoma and cytokine-activated vascular cells induces adhesion of the same cell types by using integrin receptors recognizing the RGD amino acid sequence.
PMID 8997639 View Gene Set 0.0001771 17 0.0443 8 The cleavage of host cell proteins by HIV-1 protease.

Gene Set Collection: ChromosomalTiles5Mb

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null chrX_97.5-102.5Mb View Gene Set 6.119e-07 44 0.0006816 1 Genomic tile: chrX ; 97500001-102500001 Mb
Null chrX_100-105Mb View Gene Set 3.486e-06 32 0.001942 2 Genomic tile: chrX ; 100000001-105000001 Mb

Gene Set Collection: Prosite

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null PS50805 View Gene Set 1.679e-11 415 1.234e-08 1 KRAB
Null PS00018 View Gene Set 3.106e-07 183 0.0001141 2 EF_HAND_1
Null PS50222 View Gene Set 6.264e-07 231 0.0001535 3 EF_HAND_2
Null PS00471 View Gene Set 9.453e-06 13 0.00139 4 SMALL_CYTOKINES_CXC
Null PS50208 View Gene Set 7.788e-06 17 0.00139 4 CASPASE_P20
Null PS01122 View Gene Set 4.247e-05 13 0.00446 6 CASPASE_CYS
Null PS50207 View Gene Set 4.247e-05 14 0.00446 6 CASPASE_P10
Null PS01121 View Gene Set 8.601e-05 11 0.007902 8 CASPASE_HIS
Null PS00019 View Gene Set 0.000246 23 0.01808 9 ACTININ_1
Null PS00020 View Gene Set 0.000246 24 0.01808 9 ACTININ_2
Null PS00478 View Gene Set 0.0003749 71 0.02505 11 LIM_DOMAIN_1
Null PS50835 View Gene Set 0.0004577 658 0.02803 12 IG_LIKE
Null PS00203 View Gene Set 0.0005884 13 0.03327 13 METALLOTHIONEIN_VRT
Null PS50023 View Gene Set 0.0006624 73 0.03478 14 LIM_DOMAIN_2

Gene Set Collection: ppi.BIND

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null ppi.ITGB1 View Gene Set 0.0001259 11 0.02379 1 Protein-protein-interaction for ITGB1

Gene Set Collection: pathwayCommons.reactome

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null Signaling in Immune system View Gene Set 1.656e-06 404 0.000925 1 REACTOME - Signaling in Immune system gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Cell junction organization View Gene Set 1.432e-06 80 0.000925 1 REACTOME - Cell junction organization gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Formation of Platelet plug View Gene Set 3.372e-06 206 0.0009418 3 REACTOME - Formation of Platelet plug gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Interferon Signaling View Gene Set 3.259e-06 86 0.0009418 3 REACTOME - Interferon Signaling gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Platelet Activation View Gene Set 8.695e-06 164 0.001619 5 REACTOME - Platelet Activation gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Hemostasis View Gene Set 7.803e-06 394 0.001619 5 REACTOME - Hemostasis gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall View Gene Set 1.29e-05 76 0.002059 7 REACTOME - Cell surface interactions at the vascular wall gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Interferon alpha/beta signaling View Gene Set 2.816e-05 65 0.003932 8 REACTOME - Interferon alpha/beta signaling gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Interferon gamma signaling View Gene Set 3.911e-05 48 0.004854 9 REACTOME - Interferon gamma signaling gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Muscle contraction View Gene Set 4.837e-05 50 0.005403 10 REACTOME - Muscle contraction gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Platelet degranulation View Gene Set 0.0001201 32 0.0122 11 REACTOME - Platelet degranulation gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Smooth Muscle Contraction View Gene Set 0.0002077 24 0.01933 12 REACTOME - Smooth Muscle Contraction gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Cell-cell junction organization View Gene Set 0.0003598 45 0.03092 13 REACTOME - Cell-cell junction organization gene set www.pathwaycomm...
Null Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+ View Gene Set 0.0005173 43 0.04127 14 REACTOME - Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+ gene set www.pathwaycomm...

Gene Set Collection: miranda.targets

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null hsa-miR-548n View Gene Set 1.539e-30 3830 1.042e-27 1 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548n from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-944 View Gene Set 5.541e-28 2438 1.876e-25 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-944 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 5.887e-25 3575 1.328e-22 3 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-559 View Gene Set 9.494e-25 2900 1.607e-22 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-559 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548d-5p View Gene Set 1.52e-22 3270 2.058e-20 5 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548d-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 1.993e-22 1511 2.249e-20 6 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-429 View Gene Set 3.288e-22 1921 3.18e-20 7 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-429 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 1.083e-21 1802 9.166e-20 8 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548a-5p View Gene Set 2.402e-21 2983 1.485e-19 9 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548a-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548i View Gene Set 2.215e-21 2860 1.485e-19 9 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548i from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-577 View Gene Set 2.413e-21 2745 1.485e-19 9 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-577 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548b-5p View Gene Set 3.617e-21 3175 2.01e-19 12 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548b-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-570 View Gene Set 3.86e-21 3124 2.01e-19 12 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-570 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 1.232e-20 1933 5.958e-19 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548c-5p View Gene Set 3.77e-20 2909 1.701e-18 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548c-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-607 View Gene Set 7.608e-20 2322 3.219e-18 16 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-607 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 1.387e-19 1773 5.525e-18 17 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-561 View Gene Set 3.158e-19 2925 1.188e-17 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-561 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 4.157e-19 1454 1.481e-17 19 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-369-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 7.423e-19 1772 2.513e-17 20 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548h View Gene Set 1.033e-18 2539 3.329e-17 21 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548h from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-586 View Gene Set 2.341e-18 2421 7.203e-17 22 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-586 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-568 View Gene Set 3e-18 2065 8.831e-17 23 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-568 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 3.225e-18 2312 9.097e-17 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-655 View Gene Set 6.465e-18 1858 1.751e-16 25 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-655 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 1.196e-17 1414 3.113e-16 26 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548j View Gene Set 1.308e-17 2652 3.28e-16 27 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548j from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 4.504e-17 1789 1.052e-15 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-513a-3p View Gene Set 4.399e-17 2711 1.052e-15 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-513a-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 1.131e-16 2105 2.553e-15 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-656 View Gene Set 3.115e-16 1774 6.804e-15 31 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-656 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548c-3p View Gene Set 5.874e-16 3130 1.243e-14 32 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548c-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548l View Gene Set 6.118e-16 2599 1.255e-14 33 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548l from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 7.389e-16 2295 1.471e-14 34 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-203 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1183 View Gene Set 9.597e-16 2417 1.856e-14 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1183 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1297 View Gene Set 1.234e-15 1019 2.321e-14 36 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1297 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 1.828e-15 2504 3.345e-14 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-340 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 1.899e-15 2114 3.382e-14 38 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1244 View Gene Set 1.971e-15 2675 3.422e-14 39 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1244 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1259 View Gene Set 3.493e-15 1309 5.911e-14 40 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1259 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 6.675e-15 2173 1.076e-13 41 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-17 View Gene Set 6.675e-15 2173 1.076e-13 41 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-17 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-338-5p View Gene Set 8.917e-15 1707 1.404e-13 43 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-338-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 9.256e-15 1794 1.424e-13 44 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200c from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1252 View Gene Set 1.141e-14 3125 1.666e-13 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1252 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 1.134e-14 2189 1.666e-13 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 1.157e-14 2090 1.666e-13 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-580 View Gene Set 1.623e-14 2207 2.289e-13 48 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-580 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 2.223e-14 2681 3.072e-13 49 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-186 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 2.338e-14 1442 3.165e-13 50 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-137 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-519c-3p View Gene Set 2.961e-14 2011 3.92e-13 51 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519c-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-576-5p View Gene Set 3.011e-14 1494 3.92e-13 51 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-576-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 5.331e-14 1979 6.809e-13 53 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-410 View Gene Set 5.609e-14 1101 7.032e-13 54 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-410 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1826 View Gene Set 6.81e-14 1313 8.383e-13 55 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1826 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-519a View Gene Set 8.1e-14 1837 9.793e-13 56 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 1.211e-13 1660 1.413e-12 57 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-448 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548g View Gene Set 1.201e-13 2114 1.413e-12 57 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548g from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 1.483e-13 1767 1.702e-12 59 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-144 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-641 View Gene Set 1.539e-13 2384 1.737e-12 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-641 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 1.697e-13 2017 1.884e-12 61 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-30e View Gene Set 1.828e-13 1792 1.994e-12 62 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30e from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-519b-3p View Gene Set 1.856e-13 1786 1.994e-12 62 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519b-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1206 View Gene Set 2.108e-13 1455 2.23e-12 64 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1206 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-664 View Gene Set 2.643e-13 2111 2.753e-12 65 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-664 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 2.783e-13 2159 2.855e-12 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-9 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-450b-5p View Gene Set 3.452e-13 2243 3.488e-12 67 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-450b-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 6.482e-13 1695 6.453e-12 68 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520g View Gene Set 8.706e-13 2140 8.542e-12 69 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520g from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1272 View Gene Set 9.924e-13 1955 9.463e-12 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1272 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 9.883e-13 1605 9.463e-12 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-206 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 1.216e-12 2324 1.144e-11 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1257 View Gene Set 1.534e-12 1202 1.423e-11 73 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1257 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 1.772e-12 1861 1.621e-11 74 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-380 View Gene Set 1.943e-12 1449 1.754e-11 75 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-380 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-539 View Gene Set 2.505e-12 2308 2.232e-11 76 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-539 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548a-3p View Gene Set 3.548e-12 2420 3.12e-11 77 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548a-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 3.693e-12 1858 3.205e-11 78 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548p View Gene Set 4.491e-12 2743 3.849e-11 79 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-330-3p View Gene Set 6.214e-12 2124 5.259e-11 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-330-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-494 View Gene Set 6.641e-12 1886 5.482e-11 81 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-494 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-802 View Gene Set 6.596e-12 1859 5.482e-11 81 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-802 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 6.938e-12 1792 5.659e-11 83 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30c from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-573 View Gene Set 8.614e-12 2023 6.942e-11 84 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-573 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-545 View Gene Set 8.859e-12 2246 7.056e-11 85 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-545 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-30a View Gene Set 9.566e-12 1611 7.53e-11 86 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-495 View Gene Set 1.231e-11 1793 9.581e-11 87 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-495 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-376b View Gene Set 1.336e-11 1357 1.028e-10 88 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-376b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-105 View Gene Set 1.509e-11 1644 1.135e-10 89 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-105 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-136 View Gene Set 1.506e-11 2134 1.135e-10 89 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-136 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-522 View Gene Set 1.55e-11 1877 1.153e-10 91 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-522 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302e View Gene Set 1.608e-11 1203 1.184e-10 92 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302e from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 1.896e-11 2122 1.38e-10 93 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 2.368e-11 1169 1.706e-10 94 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-382 View Gene Set 2.551e-11 1641 1.818e-10 95 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-382 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-519d View Gene Set 2.775e-11 1646 1.957e-10 96 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519d from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-579 View Gene Set 3.19e-11 1840 2.227e-10 97 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-579 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 3.273e-11 2056 2.261e-10 98 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302d from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 3.458e-11 2118 2.365e-10 99 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-454 View Gene Set 5.474e-11 1949 3.706e-10 100 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-454 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 6.004e-11 1804 4.025e-10 101 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-768-3p View Gene Set 6.217e-11 2025 4.126e-10 102 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-768-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1305 View Gene Set 6.563e-11 1619 4.313e-10 103 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1305 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-376c View Gene Set 7.312e-11 1429 4.76e-10 104 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-376c from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-190b View Gene Set 9.285e-11 1281 5.987e-10 105 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-576-3p View Gene Set 1.076e-10 1704 6.875e-10 106 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-576-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 1.173e-10 2091 7.421e-10 107 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-200a View Gene Set 1.246e-10 1619 7.809e-10 108 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 1.493e-10 1341 9.245e-10 109 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-218 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 1.502e-10 1832 9.245e-10 109 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-372 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 1.554e-10 2054 9.477e-10 111 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1299 View Gene Set 1.576e-10 2168 9.528e-10 112 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1299 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-376a View Gene Set 1.818e-10 1199 1.089e-09 113 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-376a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-544 View Gene Set 1.905e-10 2072 1.131e-09 114 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-544 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 1.95e-10 2077 1.148e-09 115 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-93 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-543 View Gene Set 2.097e-10 1457 1.224e-09 116 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-543 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-181d View Gene Set 2.405e-10 2212 1.392e-09 117 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181d from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1270 View Gene Set 2.58e-10 1872 1.48e-09 118 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1270 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520d-3p View Gene Set 2.696e-10 1901 1.534e-09 119 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520d-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 3.969e-10 2061 2.222e-09 120 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-373 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-633 View Gene Set 3.971e-10 1452 2.222e-09 120 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-633 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-587 View Gene Set 4.917e-10 1524 2.729e-09 122 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-587 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-32 View Gene Set 5.532e-10 1319 3.045e-09 123 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-32 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520b View Gene Set 5.82e-10 1700 3.178e-09 124 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-152 View Gene Set 6.531e-10 1451 3.509e-09 125 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-152 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 6.484e-10 1930 3.509e-09 125 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-182 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1264 View Gene Set 7.52e-10 2008 4.008e-09 127 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1264 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-452 View Gene Set 7.624e-10 1919 4.032e-09 128 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-452 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520c-3p View Gene Set 8.525e-10 1842 4.474e-09 129 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520c-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 8.802e-10 1682 4.584e-09 130 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 8.95e-10 1687 4.625e-09 131 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-498 View Gene Set 9.315e-10 1182 4.777e-09 132 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-498 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 9.485e-10 1148 4.778e-09 133 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-153 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520e View Gene Set 9.511e-10 1728 4.778e-09 133 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520e from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548k View Gene Set 9.528e-10 1874 4.778e-09 133 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548k from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-129-5p View Gene Set 9.822e-10 1724 4.889e-09 136 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-129-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-613 View Gene Set 1.19e-09 1335 5.881e-09 137 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-613 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-409-3p View Gene Set 1.206e-09 1282 5.918e-09 138 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-409-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 1.263e-09 1500 6.151e-09 139 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30d from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-606 View Gene Set 1.633e-09 1040 7.895e-09 140 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-606 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-7 View Gene Set 1.705e-09 1890 8.185e-09 141 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-7 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-141 View Gene Set 1.885e-09 1773 8.987e-09 142 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-141 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 1.998e-09 2046 9.459e-09 143 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-768-5p View Gene Set 2.633e-09 2575 1.238e-08 144 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-768-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1323 View Gene Set 2.993e-09 2071 1.397e-08 145 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1323 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-532-5p View Gene Set 3.466e-09 1187 1.607e-08 146 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-532-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548e View Gene Set 3.642e-09 2325 1.677e-08 147 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548e from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-181a View Gene Set 3.856e-09 1946 1.764e-08 148 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-583 View Gene Set 4.113e-09 2115 1.869e-08 149 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-583 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-524-5p View Gene Set 4.387e-09 2574 1.98e-08 150 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-524-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 4.61e-09 1331 2.067e-08 151 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-155 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-511 View Gene Set 4.826e-09 2178 2.149e-08 152 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-511 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-181c View Gene Set 4.874e-09 1844 2.157e-08 153 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181c from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1179 View Gene Set 5.381e-09 1381 2.35e-08 154 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1179 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-27b View Gene Set 5.366e-09 1732 2.35e-08 154 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-888 View Gene Set 5.592e-09 1379 2.427e-08 156 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-888 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-302f View Gene Set 6.754e-09 895 2.912e-08 157 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302f from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-584 View Gene Set 8.365e-09 1065 3.584e-08 158 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-584 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520h View Gene Set 9.083e-09 1820 3.867e-08 159 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520h from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-508-3p View Gene Set 9.571e-09 1088 4.026e-08 160 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-508-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-518a-5p View Gene Set 9.635e-09 1605 4.026e-08 160 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-518a-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-527 View Gene Set 9.635e-09 1605 4.026e-08 160 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-527 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1248 View Gene Set 1.131e-08 3013 4.668e-08 163 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1248 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-183 View Gene Set 1.131e-08 1239 4.668e-08 163 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-183 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548o View Gene Set 1.15e-08 2216 4.719e-08 165 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548o from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-889 View Gene Set 1.159e-08 873 4.726e-08 166 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-889 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-578 View Gene Set 1.282e-08 1735 5.195e-08 167 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-578 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-297 View Gene Set 1.594e-08 1497 6.425e-08 168 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-297 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-491-3p View Gene Set 1.782e-08 1136 7.139e-08 169 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-491-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520a-3p View Gene Set 1.903e-08 1590 7.578e-08 170 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520a-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-421 View Gene Set 2.355e-08 1629 9.323e-08 171 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-421 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-27a View Gene Set 2.817e-08 1723 1.109e-07 172 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1265 View Gene Set 3.027e-08 1517 1.184e-07 173 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1265 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-600 View Gene Set 3.184e-08 1431 1.239e-07 174 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-600 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1246 View Gene Set 3.313e-08 1219 1.282e-07 175 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1246 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-148b View Gene Set 3.964e-08 1491 1.525e-07 176 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-148b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-216b View Gene Set 4.268e-08 1416 1.633e-07 177 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-216b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-18a View Gene Set 4.569e-08 1494 1.738e-07 178 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-18a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548f View Gene Set 4.672e-08 2082 1.767e-07 179 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548f from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-140-5p View Gene Set 5.079e-08 1363 1.91e-07 180 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-140-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-499-5p View Gene Set 5.128e-08 1309 1.918e-07 181 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-499-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-18b View Gene Set 5.291e-08 1494 1.957e-07 182 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-18b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-921 View Gene Set 5.272e-08 1454 1.957e-07 182 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-921 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-891b View Gene Set 5.573e-08 1022 2.05e-07 184 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-891b from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-581 View Gene Set 6.286e-08 1128 2.3e-07 185 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-581 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548d-3p View Gene Set 7.636e-08 2210 2.779e-07 186 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548d-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 8.147e-08 1890 2.949e-07 187 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-204 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-520f View Gene Set 8.846e-08 1654 3.185e-07 188 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520f from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-574-5p View Gene Set 1.029e-07 1642 3.686e-07 189 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-574-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-101 View Gene Set 1.126e-07 1272 4.011e-07 190 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-101 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-337-3p View Gene Set 1.237e-07 876 4.386e-07 191 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-337-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-381 View Gene Set 1.304e-07 1638 4.597e-07 192 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-381 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-96 View Gene Set 1.424e-07 1330 4.994e-07 193 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-96 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1277 View Gene Set 1.511e-07 688 5.272e-07 194 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1277 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-148a View Gene Set 1.532e-07 1504 5.318e-07 195 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-148a from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-496 View Gene Set 1.73e-07 1044 5.974e-07 196 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-496 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-1283 View Gene Set 1.78e-07 1960 6.116e-07 197 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1283 from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-331-5p View Gene Set 2.075e-07 815 7.096e-07 198 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-331-5p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-548b-3p View Gene Set 2.095e-07 1349 7.128e-07 199 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548b-3p from miranda.targets
Null hsa-miR-323-3p View Gene Set 2.612e-07 937 8.842e-07 200 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-323-3p from miranda.targets

Gene Set Collection: mirbase.targets

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null hsa-miR-889 View Gene Set 1.083e-07 650 7.697e-05 1 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-889 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-19b-2* View Gene Set 1.773e-06 553 0.0006304 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19b-2* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 1.167e-05 668 0.002765 3 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c* View Gene Set 4.238e-05 615 0.005022 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 3.219e-05 750 0.005022 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-369-3p from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-380 View Gene Set 3.831e-05 581 0.005022 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-380 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-190b View Gene Set 5.047e-05 666 0.005126 7 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190b from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-19a* View Gene Set 9.732e-05 536 0.008649 8 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19a* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 0.0001197 548 0.009454 9 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374a from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-302d* View Gene Set 0.0001414 693 0.01005 10 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302d* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-944 View Gene Set 0.0001686 567 0.0109 11 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-944 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-302b* View Gene Set 0.0002307 683 0.01262 12 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302b* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-338-5p View Gene Set 0.00022 814 0.01262 12 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-338-5p from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-5p View Gene Set 0.0005295 837 0.02689 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-5p from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-297 View Gene Set 0.0006142 757 0.02708 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-297 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 0.000651 660 0.02708 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-448 from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 0.0006444 742 0.02708 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-3p from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-9* View Gene Set 0.0006855 570 0.02708 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-9* from mirbase.targets
Null hsa-miR-32 View Gene Set 0.0008305 653 0.03108 19 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-32 from mirbase.targets

Gene Set Collection: mirtarget2.targets

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null hsa-miR-944 View Gene Set 1.879e-15 1362 1.039e-12 1 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-944 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-656 View Gene Set 8.559e-15 876 2.366e-12 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-656 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-607 View Gene Set 1.822e-14 1137 3.358e-12 3 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-607 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 4.958e-13 2046 6.854e-11 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 6.792e-13 902 7.512e-11 5 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-338-5p View Gene Set 2.027e-12 948 1.868e-10 6 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-338-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 5.571e-12 894 4.401e-10 7 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520a-3p View Gene Set 1.364e-10 468 9.426e-09 8 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520a-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 2.14e-10 781 1.315e-08 9 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-17 View Gene Set 3.717e-10 784 1.877e-08 10 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-17 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520b View Gene Set 3.734e-10 451 1.877e-08 10 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 6.173e-10 435 2.845e-08 12 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-372 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 6.907e-10 1020 2.938e-08 13 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-186 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520c-3p View Gene Set 8.428e-10 452 3.329e-08 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520c-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 1.059e-09 775 3.905e-08 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-93 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 1.779e-09 754 5.867e-08 16 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548a-5p View Gene Set 1.804e-09 1120 5.867e-08 16 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548a-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 2.062e-09 736 6.335e-08 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548d-5p View Gene Set 2.194e-09 1147 6.386e-08 19 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548d-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520d-3p View Gene Set 2.633e-09 456 7.281e-08 20 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520d-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520e View Gene Set 3.099e-09 443 8.161e-08 21 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520e from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 3.71e-09 795 8.919e-08 22 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-561 View Gene Set 3.646e-09 1193 8.919e-08 22 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-561 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548c-5p View Gene Set 4.945e-09 1151 1.139e-07 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548c-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 8.787e-09 498 1.944e-07 25 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548b-5p View Gene Set 1.165e-08 1157 2.478e-07 26 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548b-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 1.434e-08 406 2.938e-07 27 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 1.677e-08 370 3.197e-07 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520f View Gene Set 1.671e-08 426 3.197e-07 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520f from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 2.576e-08 404 4.748e-07 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-373 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-519d View Gene Set 3.061e-08 714 5.461e-07 31 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519d from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 3.3e-08 686 5.703e-07 32 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-369-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-200a View Gene Set 4.001e-08 589 6.704e-07 33 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 4.436e-08 382 7.215e-07 34 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 5.813e-08 875 8.929e-07 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-559 View Gene Set 5.794e-08 977 8.929e-07 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-559 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-889 View Gene Set 7.06e-08 370 1.055e-06 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-889 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-362-5p View Gene Set 7.822e-08 191 1.138e-06 38 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-362-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 8.128e-08 858 1.144e-06 39 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548c-3p View Gene Set 8.277e-08 1804 1.144e-06 39 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548c-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-141 View Gene Set 9.691e-08 574 1.307e-06 41 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-141 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-570 View Gene Set 1.451e-07 983 1.91e-06 42 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-570 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-30e View Gene Set 1.499e-07 693 1.928e-06 43 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30e from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-376c View Gene Set 1.685e-07 327 2.118e-06 44 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-376c from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.51e-07 493 3.084e-06 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-495 View Gene Set 2.566e-07 1246 3.084e-06 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-495 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 2.624e-07 727 3.087e-06 47 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-655 View Gene Set 3.025e-07 820 3.485e-06 48 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-655 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 3.089e-07 694 3.486e-06 49 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30d from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 4.15e-07 754 4.5e-06 50 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-203 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-888 View Gene Set 4.134e-07 450 4.5e-06 50 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-888 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 4.93e-07 418 5.243e-06 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302d from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-30a View Gene Set 5.842e-07 680 6.096e-06 53 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-568 View Gene Set 6.016e-07 521 6.161e-06 54 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-568 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-577 View Gene Set 8.511e-07 731 8.558e-06 55 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-577 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 9.278e-07 670 9.162e-06 56 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-222 View Gene Set 1.175e-06 243 1.14e-05 57 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-222 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-221 View Gene Set 1.331e-06 264 1.269e-05 58 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-221 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-377 View Gene Set 2.093e-06 449 1.962e-05 59 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-377 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 2.234e-06 874 2.025e-05 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-340 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-513-3p View Gene Set 2.225e-06 1119 2.025e-05 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-513-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-586 View Gene Set 2.722e-06 587 2.428e-05 62 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-586 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 3.284e-06 665 2.883e-05 63 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30c from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-576-5p View Gene Set 3.441e-06 589 2.973e-05 64 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-576-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 4.257e-06 671 3.622e-05 65 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-871 View Gene Set 4.835e-06 570 4.051e-05 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-871 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-491-3p View Gene Set 5.242e-06 283 4.326e-05 67 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-491-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-584 View Gene Set 6.473e-06 278 5.264e-05 68 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-584 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-380 View Gene Set 7.097e-06 496 5.688e-05 69 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-380 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-935 View Gene Set 9.016e-06 283 7.123e-05 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-935 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 9.268e-06 668 7.219e-05 71 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200c from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-323-3p View Gene Set 1.218e-05 402 9.352e-05 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-323-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-579 View Gene Set 1.297e-05 625 9.826e-05 73 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-579 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-514 View Gene Set 1.379e-05 191 0.0001031 74 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-514 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-498 View Gene Set 1.589e-05 326 0.0001171 75 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-498 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-499-5p View Gene Set 1.802e-05 307 0.0001311 76 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-499-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-181a View Gene Set 1.958e-05 879 0.0001406 77 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-429 View Gene Set 2.023e-05 640 0.0001434 78 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-429 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 2.136e-05 408 0.0001495 79 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-218 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-205 View Gene Set 2.188e-05 348 0.0001513 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-205 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 2.278e-05 539 0.0001554 81 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-361-5p View Gene Set 2.304e-05 321 0.0001554 81 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-361-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-297 View Gene Set 2.577e-05 385 0.0001717 83 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-297 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-320 View Gene Set 2.738e-05 550 0.0001802 84 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-320 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-105 View Gene Set 2.983e-05 524 0.0001918 85 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-105 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-511 View Gene Set 2.967e-05 733 0.0001918 85 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-511 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 3.536e-05 649 0.0002222 87 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-144 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-409-3p View Gene Set 3.507e-05 372 0.0002222 87 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-409-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 4.261e-05 536 0.0002648 89 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 5.271e-05 478 0.0003168 90 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-182 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-494 View Gene Set 5.224e-05 696 0.0003168 90 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-494 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-92b View Gene Set 5.205e-05 367 0.0003168 90 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-92b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-181c View Gene Set 5.437e-05 909 0.0003233 93 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181c from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-519a View Gene Set 7.362e-05 486 0.0004331 94 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-181d View Gene Set 7.489e-05 882 0.0004359 95 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181d from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 7.67e-05 427 0.0004418 96 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-155 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-518a-5p View Gene Set 8.098e-05 455 0.000457 97 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-518a-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-527 View Gene Set 8.098e-05 455 0.000457 97 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-527 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-595 View Gene Set 8.25e-05 245 0.0004608 99 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-595 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-628-3p View Gene Set 8.615e-05 196 0.0004764 100 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-628-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-506 View Gene Set 9.217e-05 439 0.0005046 101 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-506 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-188-5p View Gene Set 9.385e-05 265 0.0005088 102 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-188-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-770-5p View Gene Set 9.914e-05 169 0.0005323 103 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-770-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-410 View Gene Set 0.0001073 563 0.0005707 104 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-410 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-875-3p View Gene Set 0.0001102 635 0.0005804 105 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-875-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-216a View Gene Set 0.0001215 352 0.0006241 106 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-216a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-524-5p View Gene Set 0.0001219 862 0.0006241 106 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-524-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-543 View Gene Set 0.0001197 710 0.0006241 106 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-543 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 0.00013 500 0.0006594 109 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-448 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-487a View Gene Set 0.0001333 267 0.000666 110 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-487a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-519b-3p View Gene Set 0.0001337 484 0.000666 110 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519b-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-199a-3p View Gene Set 0.0001397 262 0.0006831 112 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-199a-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-199b-3p View Gene Set 0.0001397 262 0.0006831 112 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-199b-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-580 View Gene Set 0.0001408 414 0.0006831 112 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-580 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-768-3p View Gene Set 0.0001648 333 0.0007922 115 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-768-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-25 View Gene Set 0.0001681 398 0.0008013 116 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-25 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-193b View Gene Set 0.0001703 137 0.0008049 117 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-488 View Gene Set 0.0001779 342 0.0008337 118 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-488 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-195 View Gene Set 0.0002211 491 0.001027 119 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-195 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-630 View Gene Set 0.0002371 248 0.001093 120 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-630 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-548d-3p View Gene Set 0.0002449 1107 0.001119 121 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-548d-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-367 View Gene Set 0.0002492 388 0.001129 122 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-367 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-363 View Gene Set 0.0002543 365 0.001143 123 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-363 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-513-5p View Gene Set 0.0002615 317 0.001166 124 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-513-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 0.0002724 358 0.001205 125 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-206 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 0.0002819 887 0.001219 126 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 0.0002843 172 0.001219 126 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-515-5p View Gene Set 0.0002777 396 0.001219 126 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-515-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-605 View Gene Set 0.0002843 294 0.001219 126 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-605 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-801 View Gene Set 0.0002909 198 0.001237 130 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-801 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-526b View Gene Set 0.0003002 228 0.001267 131 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-526b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-802 View Gene Set 0.0003057 428 0.001281 132 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-802 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-27b View Gene Set 0.0003083 528 0.001282 133 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 0.0003138 415 0.001295 134 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-137 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-582-5p View Gene Set 0.0003217 526 0.001318 135 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-582-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-592 View Gene Set 0.0003276 212 0.001332 136 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-592 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-15b View Gene Set 0.0003312 575 0.001337 137 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-15b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-5p View Gene Set 0.000344 275 0.001378 138 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-636 View Gene Set 0.0003502 149 0.001393 139 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-636 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-519c-3p View Gene Set 0.0003913 493 0.001546 140 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519c-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 0.000396 227 0.001553 141 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-153 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520h View Gene Set 0.0004438 428 0.001728 142 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520h from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-509-5p View Gene Set 0.0004643 365 0.001795 143 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-509-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 0.0004681 445 0.001798 144 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-567 View Gene Set 0.0004717 278 0.001799 145 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-567 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-92a View Gene Set 0.0004843 359 0.001834 146 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-92a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-15a View Gene Set 0.0004987 567 0.001876 147 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-15a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-140-5p View Gene Set 0.0005022 248 0.001876 148 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-140-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-190b View Gene Set 0.0005405 189 0.002002 149 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-34c-3p View Gene Set 0.0005467 230 0.002002 149 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-34c-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-587 View Gene Set 0.0005437 590 0.002002 149 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-587 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-21 View Gene Set 0.0005569 312 0.002026 152 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-21 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-147 View Gene Set 0.0006407 231 0.002316 153 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-147 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-193a-3p View Gene Set 0.0006537 141 0.002345 154 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193a-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-27a View Gene Set 0.0006572 518 0.002345 154 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-758 View Gene Set 0.0006747 237 0.002392 156 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-758 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-124 View Gene Set 0.0006928 432 0.00244 157 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-124 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520d-5p View Gene Set 0.0007165 826 0.002508 158 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520d-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-625 View Gene Set 0.0007965 264 0.002755 159 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-625 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-648 View Gene Set 0.0007972 178 0.002755 159 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-648 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-145 View Gene Set 0.0008457 449 0.002905 161 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-145 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-300 View Gene Set 0.0008674 528 0.002943 162 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-300 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-381 View Gene Set 0.0008649 544 0.002943 162 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-381 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-32 View Gene Set 0.0009555 373 0.003219 164 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-32 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-924 View Gene Set 0.0009604 198 0.003219 164 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-924 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-942 View Gene Set 0.0009934 512 0.003309 166 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-942 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-641 View Gene Set 0.001027 659 0.003383 167 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-641 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-875-5p View Gene Set 0.001028 150 0.003383 167 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-875-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 0.001075 442 0.003516 169 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 0.001125 440 0.003637 170 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-613 View Gene Set 0.001121 322 0.003637 170 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-613 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-874 View Gene Set 0.001216 181 0.00391 172 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-874 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-520g View Gene Set 0.001225 429 0.003916 173 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520g from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-107 View Gene Set 0.001241 338 0.003945 174 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-107 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-16 View Gene Set 0.001262 496 0.003987 175 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-16 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-103 View Gene Set 0.001277 337 0.004014 176 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-103 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-296-3p View Gene Set 0.001292 132 0.004038 177 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-296-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 0.00138 448 0.004287 178 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 0.001429 342 0.004414 179 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-578 View Gene Set 0.001448 487 0.004449 180 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-578 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-618 View Gene Set 0.001615 264 0.004933 181 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-618 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-497 View Gene Set 0.00163 668 0.004953 182 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-497 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-424 View Gene Set 0.001804 628 0.005453 183 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-424 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-891b View Gene Set 0.001836 245 0.005518 184 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-891b from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-509-3-5p View Gene Set 0.001848 344 0.005525 185 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-509-3-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-197 View Gene Set 0.002194 163 0.006523 186 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-197 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-101 View Gene Set 0.002237 433 0.006604 187 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-101 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-522 View Gene Set 0.002245 618 0.006604 187 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-522 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-485-3p View Gene Set 0.00243 370 0.007111 189 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-485-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-384 View Gene Set 0.002749 251 0.008 190 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-384 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 0.002802 538 0.008112 191 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-204 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-299-5p View Gene Set 0.002834 163 0.008138 192 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-299-5p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-412 View Gene Set 0.002843 141 0.008138 192 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-412 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-433 View Gene Set 0.002855 301 0.008138 192 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-433 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-33a View Gene Set 0.00299 219 0.008479 195 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-33a from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-454 View Gene Set 0.003045 442 0.008591 196 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-454 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-452 View Gene Set 0.00312 577 0.008757 197 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-452 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-298 View Gene Set 0.003361 348 0.009387 198 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-298 from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-512-3p View Gene Set 0.003779 277 0.0105 199 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-512-3p from mirtarget2.targets
Null hsa-miR-216b View Gene Set 0.003807 392 0.01053 200 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-216b from mirtarget2.targets

Gene Set Collection: pictar.targets

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null hsa-miR-9* View Gene Set 1.323e-09 306 2.354e-07 1 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-9* from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 2.138e-07 501 1.563e-05 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.634e-07 508 1.563e-05 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 2.234e-06 376 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-153 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 3.112e-06 558 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 2.936e-06 434 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-218 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30a-5p View Gene Set 4.711e-06 700 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30a-5p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 4.255e-06 699 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 4.255e-06 699 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30c from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 4.361e-06 701 8.385e-05 4 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30d from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 8.417e-06 562 0.0001348 11 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30e-5p View Gene Set 9.089e-06 705 0.0001348 11 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30e-5p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 1.423e-05 335 0.0001948 13 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-369-3p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-124a View Gene Set 7.699e-05 624 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-124a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-17-5p View Gene Set 6.132e-05 602 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-17-5p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-183 View Gene Set 7.732e-05 233 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-183 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 5.745e-05 611 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 6.834e-05 601 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-27a View Gene Set 6.342e-05 620 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-27b View Gene Set 7.729e-05 629 0.0006882 14 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 8.632e-05 552 0.0007317 21 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-182 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 9.121e-05 613 0.000738 22 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-128a View Gene Set 0.0001993 536 0.001542 23 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-128a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-141 View Gene Set 0.0002407 332 0.001785 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-141 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-128b View Gene Set 0.0002533 532 0.001803 25 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-128b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 0.0003191 362 0.002104 26 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 0.0003124 374 0.002104 26 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 0.0003759 465 0.00229 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 0.0003759 465 0.00229 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-200c from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 0.0003859 351 0.00229 28 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 0.0004692 358 0.002694 31 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 0.0005697 375 0.003169 32 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302d from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 0.0007069 606 0.003813 33 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-93 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-96 View Gene Set 0.0007862 595 0.004116 34 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-96 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-143 View Gene Set 0.0009376 177 0.004768 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-143 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-199a* View Gene Set 0.00102 422 0.005016 36 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-199a* from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-320 View Gene Set 0.001043 405 0.005016 36 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-320 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 0.001196 196 0.005537 38 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-155 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 0.001213 500 0.005537 38 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-181a View Gene Set 0.001325 500 0.005751 40 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-181c View Gene Set 0.001325 499 0.005751 40 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181c from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-92 View Gene Set 0.001372 438 0.005814 42 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-92 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 0.001651 608 0.006795 43 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-372 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 0.00168 670 0.006795 43 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-9 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 0.00172 90 0.006804 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-190 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-32 View Gene Set 0.001782 444 0.006895 46 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-32 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 0.001885 497 0.00714 47 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-301 View Gene Set 0.002147 492 0.007964 48 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-140 View Gene Set 0.002198 196 0.007984 49 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-140 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 0.004599 355 0.01637 50 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 0.004844 517 0.01686 51 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-193b View Gene Set 0.004924 162 0.01686 51 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-25 View Gene Set 0.005464 311 0.01835 53 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-25 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-34c View Gene Set 0.005753 349 0.01896 54 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-34c from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-323 View Gene Set 0.006297 248 0.02038 55 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-323 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-368 View Gene Set 0.007015 103 0.0223 56 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-368 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-367 View Gene Set 0.007333 335 0.0229 57 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-367 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-101 View Gene Set 0.008242 428 0.02529 58 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-101 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 0.008746 375 0.02639 59 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-137 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30e-3p View Gene Set 0.01044 230 0.03046 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30e-3p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-34a View Gene Set 0.01028 365 0.03046 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-34a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 0.01085 166 0.03114 62 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-3p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 0.0113 308 0.03193 63 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-5p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-30a-3p View Gene Set 0.01188 230 0.03305 64 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30a-3p from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c* View Gene Set 0.01273 371 0.03485 65 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c* from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-193a View Gene Set 0.01323 168 0.03516 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-211 View Gene Set 0.01305 320 0.03516 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-211 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-145 View Gene Set 0.01389 245 0.03636 68 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-145 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-18b View Gene Set 0.01512 134 0.03901 69 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-18b from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 0.01555 418 0.03955 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23a from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 0.01617 408 0.04055 71 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1 from pictar.targets
Null hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 0.01694 420 0.04188 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23b from pictar.targets

Gene Set Collection: targetscan.targets

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 9.724e-08 522 2.373e-05 1 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-448 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 7.73e-06 699 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-218 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302c from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302d from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-302e View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-302e from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-372 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-373 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-520a-3p View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520a-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-520b View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-520c-3p View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520c-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-520d-3p View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520d-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-520e View Gene Set 1.054e-05 605 0.0001837 2 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-520e from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-1297 View Gene Set 2.605e-05 646 0.0003739 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1297 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 2.605e-05 646 0.0003739 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.605e-05 646 0.0003739 15 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-26b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 5.013e-05 549 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-153 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-30a View Gene Set 4.856e-05 1080 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 4.856e-05 1080 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 4.856e-05 1080 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30c from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 4.856e-05 1080 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30d from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-30e View Gene Set 4.856e-05 1080 0.0005319 18 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-30e from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 0.0001182 722 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 0.0001182 722 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-130b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-145 View Gene Set 0.0001024 526 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-145 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 0.0001182 722 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 0.0001182 722 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-301b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-454 View Gene Set 0.0001182 722 0.0009941 24 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-454 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 0.0001748 510 0.001292 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 0.0001748 510 0.001292 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-135b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 0.0001666 458 0.001292 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 0.0001666 458 0.001292 30 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-374b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 0.0002411 281 0.00173 34 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-155 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-221 View Gene Set 0.0003594 306 0.002436 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-221 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-222 View Gene Set 0.0003594 306 0.002436 35 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-222 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-106b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-17 View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-17 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 0.0004943 841 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-182 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-20b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-519d View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-519d from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 0.0005348 986 0.002965 37 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-93 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-25 View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-25 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-32 View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-32 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-363 View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-363 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-367 View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-367 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-92a View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-92a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-92b View Gene Set 0.000769 692 0.003753 45 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-92b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-140-5p View Gene Set 0.0009739 251 0.004659 51 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-140-5p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-181a View Gene Set 0.001206 893 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 0.001206 893 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-181c View Gene Set 0.001206 893 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181c from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-181d View Gene Set 0.001206 893 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-181d from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 0.00116 937 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.00116 937 0.005163 52 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-19b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 0.00214 461 0.008849 58 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-204 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-211 View Gene Set 0.00214 461 0.008849 58 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-211 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-376c View Gene Set 0.00264 156 0.01074 60 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-376c from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 0.002724 250 0.01089 61 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-142-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 0.003347 796 0.01317 62 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-590-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-24 View Gene Set 0.003904 439 0.01512 63 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-24 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 0.00565 647 0.02154 64 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-144 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 0.006103 857 0.02291 65 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-137 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 0.008502 583 0.03051 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-1 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 0.008502 583 0.03051 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-206 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-613 View Gene Set 0.008502 583 0.03051 66 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-613 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-543 View Gene Set 0.009127 497 0.03227 69 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-543 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-193a-3p View Gene Set 0.01001 142 0.0344 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193a-3p from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-193b View Gene Set 0.01001 142 0.0344 70 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-193b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 0.01113 838 0.03622 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 0.01113 838 0.03622 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-23b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-27a View Gene Set 0.01095 921 0.03622 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-27b View Gene Set 0.01095 921 0.03622 72 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-27b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 0.01179 558 0.03785 76 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-203 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-217 View Gene Set 0.01319 237 0.0418 77 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-217 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-551a View Gene Set 0.01477 5 0.04561 78 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-551a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-551b View Gene Set 0.01477 5 0.04561 78 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-551b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-143 View Gene Set 0.01603 263 0.04818 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-143 from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-29a View Gene Set 0.01639 850 0.04818 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-29a from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-29b View Gene Set 0.01639 850 0.04818 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-29b from targetscan.targets
Null hsa-miR-29c View Gene Set 0.01639 850 0.04818 80 microRNA targets for hsa-miR-29c from targetscan.targets

Gene Set Collection: miRNAtargetIntersection

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 7.537e-08 389 6.18e-05 1 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 9.026e-08 372 6.18e-05 1 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-17 View Gene Set 7.499e-08 384 6.18e-05 1 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-17 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 1.631e-07 394 7.904e-05 4 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 1.924e-07 381 7.904e-05 4 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 3.765e-07 390 0.0001175 6 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 4.711e-07 155 0.0001175 6 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520b View Gene Set 4.914e-07 168 0.0001175 6 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520c-3p View Gene Set 5.15e-07 168 0.0001175 6 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520c-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 6.555e-07 153 0.0001317 10 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-373 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520d-3p View Gene Set 7.055e-07 167 0.0001317 10 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520d-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520a-3p View Gene Set 7.867e-07 167 0.0001347 12 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520a-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 1.687e-06 258 0.0002665 13 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 3.066e-06 257 0.0004458 14 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 3.472e-06 268 0.0004458 14 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520e View Gene Set 3.442e-06 164 0.0004458 14 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520e from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 3.979e-06 161 0.0004807 17 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-519d View Gene Set 4.297e-06 360 0.0004903 18 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-519d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 4.61e-06 150 0.0004984 19 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-141 View Gene Set 1.249e-05 104 0.001283 20 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-141 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 1.591e-05 160 0.001556 21 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 2.36e-05 144 0.002204 22 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 2.704e-05 202 0.002415 23 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 View Gene Set 2.926e-05 90 0.002445 24 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 2.976e-05 79 0.002445 24 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-200a View Gene Set 3.103e-05 118 0.002451 26 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-200a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 3.734e-05 93 0.002781 27 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-369-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 View Gene Set 3.791e-05 48 0.002781 27 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 4.276e-05 346 0.003028 29 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 4.677e-05 272 0.003202 30 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 5.019e-05 210 0.003325 31 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 6.005e-05 118 0.003673 32 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 6.079e-05 182 0.003673 32 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 5.862e-05 186 0.003673 32 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30a View Gene Set 7.373e-05 377 0.004292 35 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 7.523e-05 357 0.004292 35 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 0.0001007 196 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 8.244e-05 114 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 8.022e-05 254 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 8.968e-05 183 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 9.697e-05 211 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30e View Gene Set 9.605e-05 379 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30e from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 9.947e-05 356 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 9.368e-05 361 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 8.557e-05 192 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 8.993e-05 408 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 9.326e-05 218 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 8.506e-05 108 0.004307 37 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 0.0001085 254 0.004428 49 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 0.0001099 379 0.004428 49 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 View Gene Set 0.000107 281 0.004428 49 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-93 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 0.0001174 215 0.004636 52 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 0.0001311 363 0.005024 53 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 0.0001345 406 0.005024 53 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 0.0001321 399 0.005024 53 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 0.0001413 268 0.005184 56 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 0.0001473 281 0.005308 57 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-106b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.0001668 193 0.005909 58 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 0.0001756 352 0.006031 59 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 0.0001764 221 0.006031 59 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.0001791 216 0.006031 59 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 0.000186 197 0.006163 62 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 0.0002078 142 0.00674 63 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 0.00021 374 0.00674 63 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 0.0002176 223 0.006875 65 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d View Gene Set 0.0002479 258 0.007715 66 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 0.0002672 102 0.008191 67 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 View Gene Set 0.0002871 41 0.008546 68 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 0.0002861 290 0.008546 68 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 0.0002935 17 0.008611 70 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-454 View Gene Set 0.0002996 257 0.008667 71 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-454 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-145 View Gene Set 0.00034 138 0.009603 72 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-145 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 0.0003413 367 0.009603 72 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181d View Gene Set 0.0003497 122 0.009707 74 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 0.0003583 257 0.009813 75 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181c View Gene Set 0.0003777 120 0.01021 76 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 0.0003836 192 0.01023 77 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-141 View Gene Set 0.0003981 118 0.01048 78 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-141 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 0.0004137 105 0.01062 79 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-369-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 0.0004125 256 0.01062 79 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 0.0004266 96 0.01082 81 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 0.0004472 255 0.0112 82 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.0005632 104 0.01377 83 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-323-3p View Gene Set 0.0005608 73 0.01377 83 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-323-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 0.0006045 252 0.01461 85 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 0.0006383 257 0.01524 86 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 0.000656 77 0.01549 87 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-374a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 0.000675 147 0.01575 88 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 0.0006895 189 0.01591 89 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130b View Gene Set 0.0007772 178 0.01737 90 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-506 View Gene Set 0.0007658 238 0.01737 90 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-506 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-96 View Gene Set 0.0007781 196 0.01737 90 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-96 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 0.0007956 104 0.01739 93 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 0.000796 93 0.01739 93 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-935 View Gene Set 0.0008095 26 0.01744 95 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-935 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 View Gene Set 0.0008153 39 0.01744 95 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 0.000831 79 0.0176 97 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 0.0008565 251 0.01795 98 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 0.0008979 177 0.01863 99 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 0.0009076 291 0.01864 100 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 0.0009169 153 0.01865 101 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 0.0009703 74 0.01954 102 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 0.001013 119 0.0202 103 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-181b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 0.001052 138 0.02078 104 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-182 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520h View Gene Set 0.001087 46 0.02126 105 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520h from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-124 View Gene Set 0.001124 243 0.02179 106 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-124 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 View Gene Set 0.001147 62 0.02203 107 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-143 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 0.001201 315 0.02285 108 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-28-5p View Gene Set 0.001219 13 0.02297 109 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-28-5p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 0.001243 111 0.02308 110 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 0.001247 145 0.02308 110 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 0.001264 106 0.02318 112 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 View Gene Set 0.001312 97 0.02384 113 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-204 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 0.001388 156 0.02501 114 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 0.001506 153 0.0269 115 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 View Gene Set 0.001633 103 0.02891 116 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 0.001709 35 0.03 117 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 0.001795 85 0.03073 118 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 0.001767 141 0.03073 118 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-448 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-96 View Gene Set 0.001786 130 0.03073 118 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-96 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 0.001885 156 0.03201 121 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 View Gene Set 0.001996 150 0.0336 122 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-491-3p View Gene Set 0.002017 33 0.03369 123 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-491-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 View Gene Set 0.002213 100 0.03666 124 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-211 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-498 View Gene Set 0.00225 38 0.03697 125 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-498 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 0.002271 100 0.03701 126 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 0.002353 69 0.03776 127 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.002347 102 0.03776 127 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c View Gene Set 0.002447 88 0.03896 129 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-183 View Gene Set 0.00249 67 0.03935 130 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-183 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 0.002541 102 0.03984 131 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 0.002736 109 0.04257 132 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-302d from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 0.002826 111 0.04332 133 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-584 View Gene Set 0.002835 25 0.04332 133 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-584 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 0.002847 202 0.04332 133 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-200b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130a View Gene Set 0.002919 180 0.04408 136 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-130a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-221 View Gene Set 0.002977 78 0.04464 137 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-221 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-376c View Gene Set 0.003012 56 0.04483 138 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-376c from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-133a View Gene Set 0.003142 82 0.0461 139 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-133a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-133b View Gene Set 0.003142 82 0.0461 139 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-133b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 View Gene Set 0.003217 9 0.04686 141 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-155 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 View Gene Set 0.003259 64 0.04715 142 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-205 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-888 View Gene Set 0.003287 63 0.04721 143 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-888 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 0.003321 53 0.04737 144 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 0.003408 84 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-301a from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-409-3p View Gene Set 0.003513 31 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-409-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520d-3p View Gene Set 0.003507 57 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-520d-3p from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-145 View Gene Set 0.003482 34 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-145 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-183 View Gene Set 0.003502 33 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-183 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 0.003513 72 0.0481 145 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 0.003568 126 0.04853 151 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-218 from miRNAtargetIntersection
Null mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 0.003674 74 0.04965 152 microRNA targets for mirtarget2.pictar.targetscan.targetsIntersection.hsa-miR-153 from miRNAtargetIntersection

Gene Set Collection: miRNAtargetUnion

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-944 View Gene Set 3.79e-32 3201 8.77e-29 1 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-944 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 8.793e-28 4554 1.017e-24 2 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 3.155e-26 4420 2.434e-23 3 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 5.886e-26 4159 3.405e-23 4 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-559 View Gene Set 1.843e-24 3456 8.529e-22 5 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-559 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 6.011e-24 2203 2.318e-21 6 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.853e-23 1882 9.43e-21 7 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 9.63e-23 1890 2.785e-20 8 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 1.449e-22 2404 3.726e-20 9 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548d-5p View Gene Set 3.209e-22 4039 7.426e-20 10 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548d-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-577 View Gene Set 4.446e-22 3197 9.216e-20 11 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-577 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 4.779e-22 2340 9.216e-20 11 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 5.491e-22 2329 9.774e-20 13 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548c-5p View Gene Set 1.125e-21 3706 1.859e-19 14 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548c-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 1.786e-21 2245 2.755e-19 15 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 1.953e-21 2177 2.825e-19 16 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.127e-21 1906 2.896e-19 17 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-607 View Gene Set 2.383e-21 3059 3.064e-19 18 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-607 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 2.776e-21 2274 3.381e-19 19 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 4.23e-21 2237 4.895e-19 20 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548b-5p View Gene Set 4.458e-21 3963 4.912e-19 21 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548b-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 7.427e-21 2500 7.812e-19 22 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 1.265e-20 1861 1.273e-18 23 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 3.365e-20 2251 3.244e-18 24 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-656 View Gene Set 3.792e-20 2395 3.51e-18 25 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-656 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548a-5p View Gene Set 4.682e-20 3746 4.167e-18 26 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548a-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 6.373e-20 2088 5.267e-18 27 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 6.203e-20 1874 5.267e-18 27 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 6.887e-20 1655 5.495e-18 29 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 9.616e-20 1800 7.417e-18 30 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 1.287e-19 2346 9.607e-18 31 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b View Gene Set 2.514e-19 2211 1.818e-17 32 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-568 View Gene Set 4.431e-19 2599 3.107e-17 33 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-568 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-655 View Gene Set 4.982e-19 2490 3.391e-17 34 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-655 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 5.995e-19 2649 3.89e-17 35 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 View Gene Set 6.051e-19 1821 3.89e-17 35 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 6.847e-19 1593 4.282e-17 37 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-561 View Gene Set 1.136e-18 3650 6.917e-17 38 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-561 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 1.613e-18 2294 9.571e-17 39 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 1.724e-18 1805 9.975e-17 40 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 1.887e-18 2033 1.065e-16 41 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 1.998e-18 2316 1.101e-16 42 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 3.005e-18 3195 1.617e-16 43 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 3.335e-18 2071 1.754e-16 44 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 4.277e-18 2336 2.199e-16 45 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 4.854e-18 1872 2.442e-16 46 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-570 View Gene Set 5.028e-18 3769 2.475e-16 47 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-570 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 7.726e-18 2149 3.648e-16 48 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p View Gene Set 7.713e-18 2089 3.648e-16 48 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-369-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 2.503e-17 2083 1.159e-15 50 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 2.568e-17 1828 1.165e-15 51 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 4.247e-17 3166 1.89e-15 52 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-338-5p View Gene Set 5.066e-17 2455 2.212e-15 53 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-338-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p View Gene Set 5.54e-17 2774 2.374e-15 54 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-590-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 7.001e-17 2931 2.945e-15 55 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 9.366e-17 2000 3.87e-15 56 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 1.114e-16 2092 4.522e-15 57 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 1.19e-16 2670 4.749e-15 58 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 1.217e-16 2930 4.774e-15 59 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-429 View Gene Set 1.421e-16 2506 5.48e-15 60 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-429 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 1.482e-16 2119 5.622e-15 61 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 2.275e-16 1941 8.492e-15 62 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 2.358e-16 1979 8.66e-15 63 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 2.466e-16 2751 8.779e-15 64 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 2.464e-16 2038 8.779e-15 64 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 2.698e-16 1698 9.459e-15 66 microRNA targets for miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 3.755e-16 2801 1.297e-14 67 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-586 View Gene Set 4.556e-16 2979 1.55e-14 68 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-586 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p View Gene Set 5.01e-16 2782 1.68e-14 69 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 6.55e-16 2432 2.165e-14 70 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 View Gene Set 6.839e-16 2225 2.219e-14 71 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-448 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 6.903e-16 2223 2.219e-14 71 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 8.519e-16 2328 2.7e-14 73 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 1.03e-15 2194 3.22e-14 74 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 1.255e-15 1679 3.874e-14 75 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 1.649e-15 3330 5.02e-14 76 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-380 View Gene Set 2.577e-15 2022 7.743e-14 77 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-380 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 2.641e-15 1905 7.834e-14 78 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 3.149e-15 2072 9.223e-14 79 microRNA targets for miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 3.239e-15 1873 9.37e-14 80 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 3.811e-15 2387 1.089e-13 81 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 4.56e-15 2550 1.287e-13 82 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 5.056e-15 2502 1.41e-13 83 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 6.523e-15 2847 1.797e-13 84 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 7.409e-15 2034 2.017e-13 85 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b View Gene Set 8.201e-15 2216 2.207e-13 86 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 9.013e-15 2095 2.397e-13 87 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 9.835e-15 2562 2.586e-13 88 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 View Gene Set 1.085e-14 2750 2.82e-13 89 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-203 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548c-3p View Gene Set 1.148e-14 4092 2.953e-13 90 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-548c-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 1.42e-14 2363 3.611e-13 91 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 1.724e-14 2441 4.336e-13 92 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 1.773e-14 2393 4.411e-13 93 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 1.992e-14 1896 4.852e-13 94 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 1.971e-14 2013 4.852e-13 94 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 2.059e-14 2993 4.963e-13 96 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 2.325e-14 2092 5.545e-13 97 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 2.713e-14 2858 6.407e-13 98 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 2.842e-14 2285 6.643e-13 99 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-889 View Gene Set 3.464e-14 1449 8.013e-13 100 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-889 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a View Gene Set 3.497e-14 1519 8.013e-13 100 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 4.065e-14 3195 9.222e-13 102 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a View Gene Set 4.278e-14 2154 9.612e-13 103 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-26a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 4.396e-14 3099 9.688e-13 104 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b View Gene Set 4.386e-14 1555 9.688e-13 104 microRNA targets for mirbase.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-374b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 4.773e-14 2339 1.042e-12 106 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-17 View Gene Set 5.138e-14 2664 1.101e-12 107 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-17 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 5.103e-14 1776 1.101e-12 107 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-580 View Gene Set 6.213e-14 2702 1.319e-12 109 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-580 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 6.386e-14 2390 1.343e-12 110 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 View Gene Set 7.227e-14 2270 1.507e-12 111 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-1 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 7.397e-14 2124 1.528e-12 112 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 8.764e-14 1924 1.795e-12 113 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 9.301e-14 1890 1.888e-12 114 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 1.015e-13 2645 2.042e-12 115 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 1.36e-13 2961 2.712e-12 116 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 1.618e-13 2188 3.201e-12 117 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20a View Gene Set 1.794e-13 2679 3.518e-12 118 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-576-5p View Gene Set 1.999e-13 2186 3.887e-12 119 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-576-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-641 View Gene Set 2.239e-13 2967 4.318e-12 120 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-641 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 2.787e-13 2279 5.331e-12 121 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190b View Gene Set 2.883e-13 1841 5.468e-12 122 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 3.337e-13 2069 6.278e-12 123 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 3.487e-13 2301 6.507e-12 124 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 3.588e-13 3176 6.589e-12 125 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 3.582e-13 2178 6.589e-12 125 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 3.908e-13 2824 7.12e-12 127 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 3.978e-13 2242 7.191e-12 128 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-519c-3p View Gene Set 4.1e-13 2699 7.354e-12 129 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-519c-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-519a View Gene Set 5.659e-13 2566 1.007e-11 130 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-519a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 6.215e-13 2444 1.098e-11 131 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190b View Gene Set 6.403e-13 1815 1.122e-11 132 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-190b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 8.192e-13 1745 1.425e-11 133 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 8.327e-13 2708 1.438e-11 134 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 8.655e-13 2523 1.484e-11 135 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 9e-13 2745 1.531e-11 136 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b View Gene Set 9.961e-13 2373 1.67e-11 137 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 9.91e-13 2208 1.67e-11 137 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 View Gene Set 1.069e-12 3291 1.779e-11 139 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-340 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 1.36e-12 2201 2.248e-11 140 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 1.58e-12 2391 2.593e-11 141 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 1.727e-12 2184 2.814e-11 142 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b View Gene Set 1.889e-12 2140 3.057e-11 143 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 1.963e-12 2697 3.112e-11 144 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 1.95e-12 2255 3.112e-11 144 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 1.956e-12 1950 3.112e-11 144 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 2.092e-12 1979 3.268e-11 147 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 2.104e-12 1299 3.268e-11 147 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 2.087e-12 2087 3.268e-11 147 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b View Gene Set 2.213e-12 2308 3.414e-11 150 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301a View Gene Set 2.247e-12 2780 3.443e-11 151 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 View Gene Set 2.595e-12 3163 3.95e-11 152 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-186 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 2.644e-12 2480 3.999e-11 153 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 2.964e-12 2152 4.454e-11 154 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 2.985e-12 2213 4.457e-11 155 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-373 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30e View Gene Set 3.06e-12 2303 4.538e-11 156 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30e from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 View Gene Set 3.267e-12 2054 4.815e-11 157 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-137 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-153 View Gene Set 3.305e-12 1406 4.841e-11 158 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-153 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-410 View Gene Set 3.668e-12 1600 5.339e-11 159 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-410 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-376b View Gene Set 4.014e-12 1511 5.805e-11 160 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-376b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 4.127e-12 2348 5.894e-11 161 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-136 View Gene Set 4.114e-12 2229 5.894e-11 161 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-136 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 4.283e-12 1942 6.08e-11 163 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-410 View Gene Set 4.368e-12 1731 6.163e-11 164 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-410 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20b View Gene Set 4.649e-12 2401 6.521e-11 165 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-20b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 4.69e-12 2374 6.538e-11 166 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302d from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b View Gene Set 4.789e-12 2655 6.635e-11 167 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-301b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 View Gene Set 4.854e-12 2261 6.685e-11 168 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-372 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 4.894e-12 2496 6.701e-11 169 microRNA targets for miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-181b View Gene Set 5.014e-12 2510 6.825e-11 170 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-181b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 5.049e-12 2410 6.832e-11 171 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 5.099e-12 1279 6.86e-11 172 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302a View Gene Set 5.257e-12 2273 7.031e-11 173 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-494 View Gene Set 5.291e-12 2251 7.037e-11 174 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-494 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a View Gene Set 5.396e-12 2371 7.135e-11 175 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a View Gene Set 5.444e-12 2700 7.158e-11 176 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 5.688e-12 2915 7.435e-11 177 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 View Gene Set 5.719e-12 1845 7.435e-11 177 microRNA targets for miranda.tarbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-206 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-539 View Gene Set 6.287e-12 2685 8.127e-11 179 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-539 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 View Gene Set 6.401e-12 2413 8.229e-11 180 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-144 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302d View Gene Set 7.137e-12 2294 9.094e-11 181 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-302d from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30c View Gene Set 7.152e-12 2297 9.094e-11 181 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-30c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-450b-5p View Gene Set 7.544e-12 2880 9.539e-11 183 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-450b-5p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a View Gene Set 7.771e-12 2972 9.773e-11 184 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-382 View Gene Set 8.115e-12 1820 1.015e-10 185 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-382 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-9 View Gene Set 8.545e-12 2572 1.058e-10 186 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-9 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23b View Gene Set 8.554e-12 2378 1.058e-10 186 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-23b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-373 View Gene Set 1.051e-11 2363 1.293e-10 188 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-373 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-218 View Gene Set 1.123e-11 1623 1.376e-10 189 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-218 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-136 View Gene Set 1.157e-11 2304 1.409e-10 190 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-136 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b View Gene Set 1.242e-11 2676 1.504e-10 191 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-19b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106b View Gene Set 1.265e-11 2186 1.524e-10 192 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-106b from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200a View Gene Set 1.284e-11 1698 1.539e-10 193 microRNA targets for miranda.pictar.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a View Gene Set 1.3e-11 2750 1.55e-10 194 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-135a from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c View Gene Set 1.376e-11 2316 1.633e-10 195 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.tarbase.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-200c from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-495 View Gene Set 1.402e-11 2518 1.656e-10 196 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-495 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p View Gene Set 1.412e-11 1283 1.659e-10 197 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.pictar.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-142-3p from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-522 View Gene Set 1.519e-11 2524 1.775e-10 198 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-522 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-182 View Gene Set 1.542e-11 2467 1.793e-10 199 microRNA targets for miranda.mirtarget2.targetscan.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-182 from miRNAtargetUnion
Null miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-494 View Gene Set 1.634e-11 2522 1.891e-10 200 microRNA targets for miranda.mirbase.mirtarget2.targetsUnion.hsa-miR-494 from miRNAtargetUnion

Gene Set Collection: hprdBatch.UP

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null Androgen Receptor Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 7.462e-07 437 1.492e-05 1 From NetPath for Androgen Receptor Signaling Pathway

Gene Set Collection: hprdBatch.DOWN

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null EGFR1 Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 0.0005935 98 0.01128 1 From NetPath for EGFR1 Signaling Pathway

Gene Set Collection: hprdBatch.DIFFERENT

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null Androgen Receptor Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 1.616e-06 586 3.232e-05 1 From NetPath for Androgen Receptor Signaling Pathway
Null EGFR1 Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 0.0001876 253 0.001876 2 From NetPath for EGFR1 Signaling Pathway
Null IL-4 Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 0.000527 301 0.003514 3 From NetPath for IL-4 Signaling Pathway
Null TGF-beta Receptor Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 0.0008501 1296 0.004251 4 From NetPath for TGF-beta Receptor Signaling Pathway
Null Wnt Signaling Pathway View Gene Set 0.008849 110 0.03539 5 From NetPath for Wnt Signaling Pathway

Gene Set Collection: hprdManual.UP

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null FSH View Gene Set 0.0002755 164 0.006613 1 From NetPath for FSH

Gene Set Collection: hprdManual.DOWN

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null TGF_beta_Receptor View Gene Set 0.0006922 399 0.01315 1 From NetPath for TGF_beta_Receptor
Null IL4 View Gene Set 0.001935 77 0.01838 2 From NetPath for IL4
Null Wnt View Gene Set 0.003671 10 0.02325 3 From NetPath for Wnt
Null TCR View Gene Set 0.007411 178 0.0352 4 From NetPath for TCR
Null IL2 View Gene Set 0.01091 297 0.04147 5 From NetPath for IL2

Gene Set Collection: hprdManual.DIFFERENT

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null IL4 View Gene Set 5.037e-05 269 0.001191 1 From NetPath for IL4
Null TGF_beta_Receptor View Gene Set 9.926e-05 594 0.001191 1 From NetPath for TGF_beta_Receptor
Null FSH View Gene Set 0.0004683 263 0.003746 3 From NetPath for FSH
Null TNFalpha View Gene Set 0.004972 121 0.02983 4 From NetPath for TNFalpha

Gene Set Collection: tfbsK3Z3

Arguments: refPop=all, featureType=featureNames, colname=WilcoxUP, ranks.only=TRUE, absolute=FALSE, alternative=up

Gene Set Name GeneSetDescription Value Gene Set Size Corrected Value Ranking Description URL
Null V_E4BP4_01 View Gene Set 2.274e-05 297 0.004149 1 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$E4BP4_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the E4BP4 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_HNF3B_01 View Gene Set 3.896e-05 168 0.004149 1 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$HNF3B_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the HNF-3beta transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_HLF_01 View Gene Set 0.0001151 184 0.008174 3 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$HLF_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the Hlf transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_MEF2_01 View Gene Set 0.0001708 385 0.009098 4 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$MEF2_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the MEF-2A transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_FREAC3_01 View Gene Set 0.0002274 272 0.009688 5 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$FREAC3_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the FOXC1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_HNF1_C View Gene Set 0.0003295 229 0.0117 6 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$HNF1_C TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the HNF-1A transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_BRACH_01 View Gene Set 0.0009102 221 0.02154 7 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$BRACH_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the Brachyury transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_HOXA3_01 View Gene Set 0.0008939 81 0.02154 7 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$HOXA3_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the HOXA3 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_MEF2_04 View Gene Set 0.0007523 227 0.02154 7 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$MEF2_04 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the MEF-2A transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_OCT1_06 View Gene Set 0.001181 159 0.02515 10 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$OCT1_06 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the POU2F1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_FOXJ2_02 View Gene Set 0.001408 257 0.02564 11 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$FOXJ2_02 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the FOXJ2 (long isoform) transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_FREAC2_01 View Gene Set 0.001782 227 0.02564 11 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$FREAC2_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the FOXF2 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_LHX3_01 View Gene Set 0.001615 80 0.02564 11 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$LHX3_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the LHX3a transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_MEF2_03 View Gene Set 0.001511 164 0.02564 11 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$MEF2_03 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the MEF-2A transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_POU3F2_01 View Gene Set 0.001806 324 0.02564 11 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$POU3F2_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the POU3F2 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_CDPCR3_01 View Gene Set 0.002022 232 0.02691 16 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$CDPCR3_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the CUTL1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_CP2_01 View Gene Set 0.002623 29 0.03104 17 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$CP2_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the CP2 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_TST1_01 View Gene Set 0.002486 209 0.03104 17 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$TST1_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the POU3F1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_CART1_01 View Gene Set 0.002828 248 0.0311 19 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$CART1_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the Cart-1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_CDC5_01 View Gene Set 0.002921 289 0.0311 19 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$CDC5_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the Cdc5 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_IRF1_01 View Gene Set 0.003197 246 0.03243 21 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$IRF1_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the IRF-1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_PBX1_02 View Gene Set 0.003545 223 0.03432 22 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$PBX1_02 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the Pbx1a transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_POU3F2_02 View Gene Set 0.003809 261 0.03527 23 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$POU3F2_02 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the POU3F2 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_CDP_01 View Gene Set 0.004105 182 0.03643 24 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$CDP_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the CUTL1 transcription factor www.gene-regula...
Null V_ISRE_01 View Gene Set 0.00511 216 0.04354 25 List of genes containing a conserved (FDR < 0.1%) V$ISRE_01 TFBS located within 3 kb around the TSS for the ISGF-3 transcription factor www.gene-regula...