10042 | -0.935 | 8.718 | -7.58 | 4.456e-13 | 8.864e-11 | 19.23 | 10042 | HMGXB4 | HMG box domain containing 4 | ENSG00000100281 | 604702 |
10049 | -0.9978 | 9.572 | -7.73 | 1.683e-13 | 3.947e-11 | 20.17 | 10049 | DNAJB6 | DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6 | ENSG00000105993 | 611332 |
10144 | 0.9748 | 5.48 | 6.654 | 1.371e-10 | 1.171e-08 | 13.7 | 10144 | FAM13A | family with sequence similarity 13, member A | ENSG00000138640 | 613299 |
10403 | -1.521 | 9.184 | -7.902 | 5.393e-14 | 1.56e-11 | 21.27 | 10403 | NDC80 | NDC80 kinetochore complex component homolog (S. cerevisiae) | ENSG00000080986 | 607272 |
10468 | -1.317 | 9.442 | -6.798 | 5.813e-11 | 5.833e-09 | 14.52 | 10468 | FST | follistatin | ENSG00000134363 | 136470, 184700 |
10492 | -1.364 | 9.562 | -8.089 | 1.55e-14 | 5.233e-12 | 22.48 | 10492 | SYNCRIP | synaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein | ENSG00000135316 | NA |
10772 | -1.065 | 9.761 | -8.66 | 3.071e-16 | 1.614e-13 | 26.28 | 10772 | SRSF10 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 10 | ENSG00000215699, ENSG00000188529 | 605221 |
10915 | -0.9173 | 10.14 | -7.462 | 9.506e-13 | 1.667e-10 | 18.49 | 10915 | TCERG1 | transcription elongation regulator 1 | ENSG00000113649 | 605409 |
10917 | 0.622 | 4.637 | 6.967 | 2.091e-11 | 2.409e-09 | 15.51 | 10917 | BTNL3 | butyrophilin-like 3 | ENSG00000168903 | 606192 |
11170 | 0.6364 | 4.371 | 6.76 | 7.319e-11 | 6.909e-09 | 14.3 | 11170 | FAM107A | family with sequence similarity 107, member A | ENSG00000168309 | 608295 |
1387 | -1.494 | 8.584 | -8.38 | 2.144e-15 | 8.844e-13 | 24.39 | 1387 | CREBBP | CREB binding protein | ENSG00000005339 | 180849, 600140 |
1390 | -0.9052 | 9.586 | -8.991 | 2.959e-17 | 2.273e-14 | 28.54 | 1390 | CREM | cAMP responsive element modulator | ENSG00000095794 | 123812 |
1503 | -0.8088 | 9.092 | -9.182 | 7.485e-18 | 6.67e-15 | 29.88 | 1503 | CTPS | CTP synthase | ENSG00000171793 | 123860 |
1871 | -1.171 | 8.431 | -6.62 | 1.679e-10 | 1.394e-08 | 13.5 | 1871 | E2F3 | E2F transcription factor 3 | ENSG00000112242 | 600427 |
1983 | -0.6677 | 10.53 | -7.398 | 1.428e-12 | 2.41e-10 | 18.1 | 1983 | EIF5 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 | ENSG00000100664 | 601710 |
2186 | -0.8567 | 8.917 | -7.149 | 6.809e-12 | 9.193e-10 | 16.59 | 2186 | BPTF | bromodomain PHD finger transcription factor | ENSG00000171634 | 601819 |
22841 | -1.129 | 7.435 | -7.041 | 1.332e-11 | 1.64e-09 | 15.94 | 22841 | RAB11FIP2 | RAB11 family interacting protein 2 (class I) | ENSG00000107560 | 608599 |
22862 | -0.8959 | 8.46 | -6.797 | 5.848e-11 | 5.841e-09 | 14.52 | 22862 | FNDC3A | fibronectin type III domain containing 3A | ENSG00000102531 | NA |
22868 | -0.8362 | 8.873 | -7.828 | 8.848e-14 | 2.292e-11 | 20.79 | 22868 | FASTKD2 | FAST kinase domains 2 | ENSG00000118246 | 220110, 612322 |
22903 | -1.177 | 8.41 | -7.299 | 2.668e-12 | 4.015e-10 | 17.5 | 22903 | BTBD3 | BTB (POZ) domain containing 3 | ENSG00000132640 | NA |
23118 | -1.128 | 8.522 | -7.56 | 5.069e-13 | 9.734e-11 | 19.1 | 23118 | TAB2 | TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 2 | ENSG00000055208 | 605101, 612863 |
23142 | -1.234 | 8.911 | -6.964 | 2.128e-11 | 2.431e-09 | 15.49 | 23142 | DCUN1D4 | DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 4 (S. cerevisiae) | ENSG00000109184 | 612977 |
23189 | -0.8151 | 8.872 | -6.415 | 5.549e-10 | 3.827e-08 | 12.35 | 23189 | KANK1 | KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1 | ENSG00000107104 | 607704, 612900 |
23405 | -1.371 | 7.83 | -7.743 | 1.542e-13 | 3.654e-11 | 20.25 | 23405 | DICER1 | dicer 1, ribonuclease type III | ENSG00000100697 | 138800, 601200, 606241 |
23411 | -0.9917 | 9.158 | -6.397 | 6.142e-10 | 4.223e-08 | 12.25 | 23411 | SIRT1 | sirtuin 1 | ENSG00000096717 | 604479 |
23429 | -1.086 | 9.98 | -6.492 | 3.545e-10 | 2.663e-08 | 12.78 | 23429 | RYBP | RING1 and YY1 binding protein | ENSG00000163602 | 607535 |
23522 | -1.09 | 10.38 | -7.641 | 3.004e-13 | 6.626e-11 | 19.61 | 23522 | KAT6B | K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6B | ENSG00000156650 | 603736, 605880 |
23637 | -1.094 | 8.904 | -8.268 | 4.618e-15 | 1.659e-12 | 23.65 | 23637 | RABGAP1 | RAB GTPase activating protein 1 | ENSG00000011454 | NA |
25898 | -1.35 | 8.87 | -7.133 | 7.532e-12 | 9.869e-10 | 16.49 | 25898 | RCHY1 | ring finger and CHY zinc finger domain containing 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase | ENSG00000163743 | 607680 |
25957 | -1.411 | 8.732 | -9.715 | 1.493e-19 | 2.772e-16 | 33.68 | 25957 | PNISR | PNN-interacting serine/arginine-rich protein | ENSG00000132424 | NA |
26009 | -1.569 | 8.898 | -10.07 | 1.039e-20 | 2.105e-17 | 36.27 | 26009 | ZZZ3 | zinc finger, ZZ-type containing 3 | ENSG00000036549 | NA |
26065 | -1.443 | 9.091 | -10.73 | 6.297e-23 | 2.004e-19 | 41.23 | 26065 | LSM14A | LSM14A, SCD6 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) | ENSG00000257103 | 610677 |
27107 | -1.21 | 9.173 | -6.939 | 2.483e-11 | 2.779e-09 | 15.34 | 27107 | ZBTB11 | zinc finger and BTB domain containing 11 | ENSG00000066422 | NA |
27348 | -1.166 | 8.06 | -7.532 | 6.063e-13 | 1.145e-10 | 18.93 | 27348 | TOR1B | torsin family 1, member B (torsin B) | ENSG00000136816 | 608050 |
285527 | -1.001 | 8.298 | -7.764 | 1.343e-13 | 3.253e-11 | 20.39 | 285527 | FRYL | FRY-like | ENSG00000075539 | NA |
2908 | -1.243 | 8.562 | -9.628 | 2.846e-19 | 4.226e-16 | 33.05 | 2908 | NR3C1 | nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 (glucocorticoid receptor) | ENSG00000113580 | 138040 |
29083 | -0.8703 | 9.845 | -6.662 | 1.315e-10 | 1.139e-08 | 13.74 | 29083 | GTPBP8 | GTP-binding protein 8 (putative) | ENSG00000163607 | NA |
3840 | -1.285 | 8.626 | -7.033 | 1.401e-11 | 1.706e-09 | 15.9 | 3840 | KPNA4 | karyopherin alpha 4 (importin alpha 3) | ENSG00000186432 | 602970 |
4147 | -1.554 | 9.092 | -8.067 | 1.803e-14 | 5.994e-12 | 22.33 | 4147 | MATN2 | matrilin 2 | ENSG00000132561 | 602108 |
4548 | -1.339 | 8.175 | -7.626 | 3.311e-13 | 7.156e-11 | 19.51 | 4548 | MTR | 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase | ENSG00000116984 | 119530, 156570, 190685, 250940, 601634 |
4683 | -1.473 | 9.212 | -10.58 | 2.141e-22 | 5.298e-19 | 40.04 | 4683 | NBN | nibrin | ENSG00000104320 | 251260, 602667 |
4781 | -1.85 | 9.247 | -7.88 | 6.239e-14 | 1.737e-11 | 21.13 | 4781 | NFIB | nuclear factor I/B | ENSG00000147862 | 600728 |
51030 | -1.579 | 8.84 | -6.455 | 4.395e-10 | 3.168e-08 | 12.58 | 51030 | FAM18B1 | family with sequence similarity 18, member B1 | ENSG00000171928 | NA |
51111 | -1.527 | 7.77 | -11.07 | 4.391e-24 | 1.956e-20 | 43.81 | 51111 | SUV420H1 | suppressor of variegation 4-20 homolog 1 (Drosophila) | ENSG00000110066 | 610881 |
51465 | -1.114 | 8.435 | -6.49 | 3.589e-10 | 2.683e-08 | 12.77 | 51465 | UBE2J1 | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2, J1, U | ENSG00000198833 | NA |
51575 | -1.796 | 9.787 | -7.051 | 1.252e-11 | 1.567e-09 | 16 | 51575 | ESF1 | ESF1, nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein, homolog (S. cerevisiae) | ENSG00000089048 | NA |
51631 | -1.38 | 8.433 | -7.385 | 1.551e-12 | 2.543e-10 | 18.02 | 51631 | LUC7L2 | LUC7-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) | ENSG00000146963 | 613056 |
54069 | -1.111 | 9.1 | -7.025 | 1.466e-11 | 1.756e-09 | 15.85 | 54069 | MIS18A | MIS18 kinetochore protein homolog A (S. pombe) | ENSG00000159055 | NA |
54556 | -1.108 | 8.046 | -7.565 | 4.899e-13 | 9.49e-11 | 19.13 | 54556 | ING3 | inhibitor of growth family, member 3 | ENSG00000071243 | 607493 |
54778 | -0.8899 | 8.618 | -7.171 | 5.966e-12 | 8.104e-10 | 16.72 | 54778 | RNF111 | ring finger protein 111 | ENSG00000157450 | 605840 |
55288 | -1.082 | 8.559 | -7.026 | 1.457e-11 | 1.756e-09 | 15.86 | 55288 | RHOT1 | ras homolog family member T1 | ENSG00000126858 | 613888 |
5532 | -0.9872 | 9.827 | -7.877 | 6.364e-14 | 1.75e-11 | 21.11 | 5532 | PPP3CB | protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, beta isozyme | ENSG00000107758 | 114106 |
55623 | -1.562 | 8.771 | -8.94 | 4.27e-17 | 3.068e-14 | 28.19 | 55623 | THUMPD1 | THUMP domain containing 1 | ENSG00000066654 | NA |
55815 | 0.6043 | 4.79 | 6.432 | 5.029e-10 | 3.512e-08 | 12.45 | 55815 | TSNAXIP1 | translin-associated factor X interacting protein 1 | ENSG00000102904 | 607720 |
55832 | -1.013 | 8.441 | -6.559 | 2.402e-10 | 1.911e-08 | 13.16 | 55832 | CAND1 | cullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 1 | ENSG00000111530 | 607727 |
55914 | -1.574 | 8.961 | -8.663 | 3.02e-16 | 1.614e-13 | 26.29 | 55914 | ERBB2IP | erbb2 interacting protein | ENSG00000112851 | 606944 |
56980 | -1.541 | 7.36 | -9.511 | 6.759e-19 | 8.583e-16 | 32.21 | 56980 | PRDM10 | PR domain containing 10 | ENSG00000170325 | NA |
57194 | 0.8765 | 4.591 | 8.487 | 1.028e-15 | 4.49e-13 | 25.1 | 57194 | ATP10A | ATPase, class V, type 10A | ENSG00000206190 | 605855 |
57665 | -0.9651 | 9.925 | -7.511 | 6.956e-13 | 1.291e-10 | 18.8 | 57665 | RDH14 | retinol dehydrogenase 14 (all-trans/9-cis/11-cis) | ENSG00000240857 | NA |
57826 | -1.551 | 8.168 | -6.735 | 8.476e-11 | 7.782e-09 | 14.16 | 57826 | RAP2C | RAP2C, member of RAS oncogene family | ENSG00000123728 | NA |
6249 | -1.021 | 8.836 | -7.954 | 3.833e-14 | 1.154e-11 | 21.6 | 6249 | CLIP1 | CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1 | ENSG00000130779 | 179838 |
63917 | -0.9645 | 8.447 | -6.464 | 4.17e-10 | 3.026e-08 | 12.63 | 63917 | GALNT11 | UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 11 (GalNAc-T11) | ENSG00000178234 | NA |
6421 | -1.078 | 9.434 | -7.332 | 2.166e-12 | 3.423e-10 | 17.7 | 6421 | SFPQ | splicing factor proline/glutamine-rich | ENSG00000116560 | 605199 |
6431 | -0.5941 | 10 | -6.808 | 5.502e-11 | 5.571e-09 | 14.58 | 6431 | SRSF6 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 | ENSG00000124193 | 601944 |
6434 | -0.5962 | 11.87 | -7.069 | 1.118e-11 | 1.423e-09 | 16.11 | 6434 | TRA2B | transformer 2 beta homolog (Drosophila) | ENSG00000136527 | 602719 |
64418 | -1.19 | 8.202 | -7.916 | 4.917e-14 | 1.441e-11 | 21.36 | 64418 | TMEM168 | transmembrane protein 168 | ENSG00000146802 | NA |
65124 | -1.369 | 7.806 | -6.381 | 6.758e-10 | 4.562e-08 | 12.16 | 65124 | SOWAHC | sosondowah ankyrin repeat domain family member C | ENSG00000198142 | NA |
6787 | -1.799 | 8.847 | -7.108 | 8.815e-12 | 1.148e-09 | 16.34 | 6787 | NEK4 | NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related kinase 4 | ENSG00000114904 | 601959 |
6874 | -1.062 | 8.194 | -6.923 | 2.746e-11 | 3.028e-09 | 15.25 | 6874 | TAF4 | TAF4 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 135kDa | ENSG00000130699 | 601796 |
699 | -0.713 | 9.406 | -6.454 | 4.434e-10 | 3.176e-08 | 12.57 | 699 | BUB1 | budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles 1 homolog (yeast) | ENSG00000169679 | 602452 |
6996 | -1.579 | 9.868 | -8.317 | 3.3e-15 | 1.29e-12 | 23.97 | 6996 | TDG | thymine-DNA glycosylase | ENSG00000139372 | 601423 |
7073 | -0.6634 | 9.985 | -7.888 | 5.917e-14 | 1.69e-11 | 21.18 | 7073 | TIAL1 | TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1 | ENSG00000151923 | 603413 |
7110 | -0.9162 | 9.241 | -7.519 | 6.578e-13 | 1.231e-10 | 18.85 | 7110 | TMF1 | TATA element modulatory factor 1 | ENSG00000144747 | 601126 |
7272 | -1.141 | 9.261 | -7.618 | 3.489e-13 | 7.264e-11 | 19.46 | 7272 | TTK | TTK protein kinase | ENSG00000112742 | 604092 |
7424 | -1.024 | 9.555 | -6.859 | 4.036e-11 | 4.262e-09 | 14.88 | 7424 | VEGFC | vascular endothelial growth factor C | ENSG00000150630 | 601528 |
7716 | -1.009 | 9.367 | -7.301 | 2.642e-12 | 4.005e-10 | 17.51 | 7716 | VEZF1 | vascular endothelial zinc finger 1 | ENSG00000136451 | 606747 |
79072 | -1.477 | 8.826 | -7.987 | 3.078e-14 | 9.657e-12 | 21.81 | 79072 | FASTKD3 | FAST kinase domains 3 | ENSG00000124279 | NA |
79134 | -0.9296 | 8.003 | -7.146 | 6.936e-12 | 9.307e-10 | 16.57 | 79134 | TMEM185B | transmembrane protein 185B | ENSG00000226479 | NA |
79441 | -1.353 | 8.438 | -6.737 | 8.379e-11 | 7.745e-09 | 14.17 | 79441 | HAUS3 | HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 3 | ENSG00000214367 | 613430 |
79882 | -0.9023 | 9.124 | -7.137 | 7.342e-12 | 9.749e-10 | 16.52 | 79882 | ZC3H14 | zinc finger CCCH-type containing 14 | ENSG00000100722 | 613279 |
800 | -1.164 | 9.617 | -6.39 | 6.419e-10 | 4.36e-08 | 12.21 | 800 | CALD1 | caldesmon 1 | ENSG00000122786 | 114213 |
8091 | -1.169 | 9.054 | -6.508 | 3.246e-10 | 2.476e-08 | 12.87 | 8091 | HMGA2 | high mobility group AT-hook 2 | ENSG00000149948 | 150699, 151900, 600698, 611547 |
8161 | -1.588 | 9.217 | -12.5 | 4.261e-29 | 9.491e-25 | 55.03 | 8161 | COIL | coilin | ENSG00000121058 | 600272 |
84890 | -1.553 | 10.38 | -8.73 | 1.884e-16 | 1.105e-13 | 26.75 | 84890 | ADO | 2-aminoethanethiol (cysteamine) dioxygenase | ENSG00000181915 | 611392 |
8600 | 0.7484 | 4.085 | 7.271 | 3.186e-12 | 4.701e-10 | 17.33 | 8600 | TNFSF11 | tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 11 | ENSG00000120659 | 259710, 602642 |
8602 | -1.181 | 8.907 | -7.841 | 8.091e-14 | 2.146e-11 | 20.88 | 8602 | NOP14 | NOP14 nucleolar protein homolog (yeast) | ENSG00000087269 | 611526 |
8669 | -0.6347 | 10.43 | -6.62 | 1.678e-10 | 1.394e-08 | 13.5 | 8669 | EIF3J | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J | ENSG00000104131 | 603910 |
90806 | -1.454 | 8.62 | -10.61 | 1.702e-22 | 4.74e-19 | 40.26 | 90806 | ANGEL2 | angel homolog 2 (Drosophila) | ENSG00000174606 | NA |
9255 | -1.388 | 8.612 | -8.301 | 3.691e-15 | 1.394e-12 | 23.87 | 9255 | AIMP1 | aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 | ENSG00000164022 | 260600, 603605 |
9360 | -1.695 | 9.709 | -7.43 | 1.161e-12 | 1.99e-10 | 18.3 | 9360 | PPIG | peptidylprolyl isomerase G (cyclophilin G) | ENSG00000138398 | 606093 |
9444 | -0.997 | 9.744 | -6.622 | 1.659e-10 | 1.39e-08 | 13.51 | 9444 | QKI | QKI, KH domain containing, RNA binding | ENSG00000112531 | 609590 |
9466 | -1.508 | 7.113 | -6.667 | 1.269e-10 | 1.105e-08 | 13.77 | 9466 | IL27RA | interleukin 27 receptor, alpha | ENSG00000104998 | 605350 |
9470 | -1.306 | 9.856 | -9.487 | 8.106e-19 | 9.504e-16 | 32.04 | 9470 | EIF4E2 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 2 | ENSG00000135930 | 605895 |
9527 | -1.075 | 8.034 | -7.271 | 3.188e-12 | 4.701e-10 | 17.32 | 9527 | GOSR1 | golgi SNAP receptor complex member 1 | ENSG00000108587 | 604026 |
9665 | -1.171 | 7.507 | -8.261 | 4.832e-15 | 1.708e-12 | 23.6 | 9665 | KIAA0430 | KIAA0430 | ENSG00000166783 | NA |
9801 | -1.52 | 9.946 | -6.482 | 3.763e-10 | 2.804e-08 | 12.73 | 9801 | MRPL19 | mitochondrial ribosomal protein L19 | ENSG00000115364 | 611832 |
9847 | -1.354 | 9.255 | -8.308 | 3.508e-15 | 1.347e-12 | 23.91 | 9847 | KIAA0528 | KIAA0528 | ENSG00000111731 | NA |
9874 | -1.106 | 9.016 | -11.08 | 4.194e-24 | 1.956e-20 | 43.86 | 9874 | TLK1 | tousled-like kinase 1 | ENSG00000198586 | 608438 |
9926 | -1.829 | 8.893 | -8.505 | 9.032e-16 | 4.024e-13 | 25.23 | 9926 | LPGAT1 | lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1 | ENSG00000123684 | 610473 |
9949 | -1.967 | 9.382 | -7.496 | 7.625e-13 | 1.37e-10 | 18.71 | 9949 | AMMECR1 | Alport syndrome, mental retardation, midface hypoplasia and elliptocytosis chromosomal region gene 1 | ENSG00000101935 | 300194, 300195 |