Marchionni Lab Surfing the Genome

Our paper on HDAC Inhibition

Genomic responses to HDAC inhibitors in prostate cancer cells

Analysis of the genomic response of human prostate cancer cells to histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Analysis of the genomic response of human prostate cancer cells to histone deacetylase inhibitors.
Madeleine S Q Kortenhorst, Michel D Wissing, Ronald Rodríguez, Sushant K Kachhap, Judith J M Jans, …, Paul O Aiyetan, Elsken van der Wall, Michael A Carducci, Paul J Van Diest, Luigi Marchionni
Epigenetics  ·  19 Jul 2013  ·  pubmed:23880963

Here is our work on transcriptional responses to HDAC inhibitors in prostate cancer. Extensive supplementary material is also available here

Also, please visit this page for commentary on our manuscript

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